19.7 Editing a Forecast Rate

To edit a Forecast rate, follow these steps:

  1. From Currency Codes, select the Currency Code (for example, IND: INDS).
  2. Here, initially the IRC is in Red color and after selection (that is, Editing of Currency Code) and clicking Apply, it turns to Green color.
  3. Selecting a different IRC means the addition of an IRC and not the deletion or Deselection of the rest of the IRCs. After reopening the Forecast Rate, the lowest IRC code will be selected by default. If the scenario is defined as a Standardized Approach scenario, then this definition can be changed or removed.
  4. Select the Edit for a Standardized Approach scenario.
  5. To change the scenario from one SA shock to another SA shock, select the new definition. Do this to change all the qualifying SA IRCs to the new definition.
  6. To remove a SA definition to the current scenario, select the Scenario Type as NONE. his will remove all Forecast Method definitions for all qualified SA IRCs.
  7. To change the SA definition to an Enhanced Approach definition, select an available Enhanced Approach scenario type. his will remove all Forecast Method definitions for all qualified SA IRCs.
  8. Click Apply.

If the scenario is defined as an Enhanced Approach scenario, this definition can be changed or removed.

  1. Select the Edit for an Enhanced Approach scenario.
  2. To change the scenario from one EA shock to another EA shock, select the new definition. Changing from one EA scenario to another EA scenario will not change the IRC Forecast Methods already defined.
  3. To remove an Enhanced Approach definition to the current scenario, uncheck the check box IRRBB Standardized Rate Shocks. Changing from an EA Scenario type to NONE will not change the currently defined IRC Forecast Methods.
  4. To change an existing Enhanced Approach definition to a Standardized Approach scenario, select a currently available Standardized Approach type in the Scenario Type drop-down list. his will change all relevant IRC Forecast Methods definitions.
  5. Click Apply.