4.15 Global Preferences

Clicking Global Preferences invokes the Global Preferences screen. Global Preferences items are used to configure your user interface. Here, you set your default application language and date format, and your desired Pagination Records. Pagination Records determine how many rows will be displayed on summary screens. If you select Pagination Records to be 25 records, then any screen displaying results in a tabular format will display a maximum of 25 records. To see the next set of 25 records, you can use the Next VCR button.

Functional Currency and Signage are installation-time parameters that may not be reset in Global Preferences.

Functional Currency is defined as the currency of the primary economic environment in which an entity conducts its business. For details on signage, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Profitability Management User Guide.

Normally, you will set preferences for yourself, but if you are logged in as an Administrator, you may set Global Preferences for All Users. When setting preferences for All Users, you may restrict the ability of non-Administrators to change a Global Preference item by deselecting the Is Editable check box. If a preference item is defined as not editable, a user who is not an Administrator will inherit the value of the preference item that his Administrator has set for him and he will not have the ability to change it for himself.