47 Oracle ALM Error Messages

This chapter describes about the ALM Error Messages.

Table 47-1 List of ALM Error Messages

Error Message Error Condition Error Code Effect of Error on Processing
<Assumption rule type> in Oracle ALM Process Rule <Assumption rule name> not found in database Assumption Rule cannot be found in the database. 105 If rule is critical for processing, process­ing is stopped.
No Match for IRC Interest Rate Code cannot be found in the active Historical Rates database. 110 When theinstru­ment reprices, it will receive a zero rate.
No Data for IRC Interest Rate Code exists in the active Historical Rates database, but there are no correspond­ing rate values. 115 When the instru­ment reprices, it will receive a zero rate.
Dimension Types mismatch: COL vs. Application Prefer­ence for dimension: <dimension num­ber> Definition for dimension chosen as product dimen­sion in Application Preferences has changed or no lon­ger exists in the database. Also can relate to Organiza­tional Unit dimen­sion if two-dimension output processing is defined.


Processing is stopped.
No of Buckets mis­match Time Bucket in <Assumption Rule> Assumption Rule was created when the active Time Bucket Rule held more/less buckets than it has cur­rently; therefore, the Assumption Rule contains more/less bucket information than necessary. 325 If Assumption Rule holds more buckets than what currently exists, only the buckets within the current modeling term will be used. If Assumption Rule holds less buckets than what currently exists, the assump­tion for the last bucket will be carried forward for the remainder of the modeling term.

Distributed Option in Forecast Balance Assumptions not applicable for buck­ets with a term of 1 Day. Defaulted to Bucket End.

New Business timing is “Distributed” and bucket end date is same as bucket start date.


New Business timing is defaulted to Bucket end.

Inconsist. Run: Matt­Strat FcstBal PrM­rgn must be def together New business assumption rules (Pricing Margin, Maturity Strategy, Forecast Balance) are incomplete, some but not all have been defined. 330 Processing is stopped.
Inconsist. Run: Miss­ing stochastic process assump. Missing stochastic process assumptions. 330 Processing is stopped.
Inconsist. Run: Sto­chastic Rate Index Rule is not defined The Stochastic Rate Rule is not defined in the Process Rule.


Processing is stopped.
Inconsist. Run: No Options Selected for Sel. Reproc. No Options Selected for Selective Repro­cessing in the Pro­cess Rule. 330 Processing is stopped.
Inconsist. Run: No Instrument Tables selected There are no Instru­ment Tables selected in the Pro­cess Rule. 330 Processing is stopped.
Inconsist. Run: Inconsistent Sel. Reproc. buckets Number of modeling buckets in results is not consistent with the number of mod­eling buckets in the active Time Bucket Rule during a selec­tive reprocessing run. 330 Processing is stopped.
Inconsist. Run: Duplicate AutoBal leaves Duplicate Auto Bal­ance leaves defined in Application Pref­erences. 330 Processing is stopped.
Inconsist. Run: Not all AutoBal leaves defined Not all Auto Balancing leaves are defined. 330 Processing is stopped.
Can't hit target for Leaf member:<leaf number> bucket: <bucket number> It is impossible to calculate a new add balance that will satisfy the conditions required for new business balances. 335 No new business will be added for this bucket.
No Product Char. for leaf member: <leaf number> Payment and repric­ing data have not been set up in the current Product Characteristics Rule for leaf member being processed. 340

Default characteris­tics will be used:

amortization type = 700

payment frequency = original term

percent taxable = 100%

accrual basis = 30/360

repricing frequency = 0

Invalid record: Invalid Amortization Code leaf member: <leaf number> Amortization code is not equal to 100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 700, 710, 820, 830, 840, 850 345 Oracle ALM will assume an amorti­zation code of 700
Invalid record: Maturity Date in the past leaf member: <leaf number> Maturity Date is less than the as of date 345 Record is not pro­cessed.
Invalid record: Remaining number of payments <= 0 leaf member: <leaf number> Remaining number of payments is less than or equal to zero. 345 Record is not pro­cessed.
Invalid record: Pmt Freq = 0 leaf mem­ber: <leaf number> Payment frequency is equal to zero on an amortizing instrument. 345 Record is not pro­cessed.
Invalid record: Amrt­Term < OrgTerm on amortizing instrument leaf member: <leaf number> Amortization term is less than original term for amortizing instrument. 345 Re-amortization of payment will be affected.
Invalid record: Next payment date in the past leaf member: <leaf number> Next payment date is less than the as of date.


If next payment date is much less than the as of date, it may cause the system to run out of memory.
Invalid record: Invalid net margin code leaf member: <leaf number> Net margin code <> 0 or 1 345 Oracle ALM will default the net mar­gin code to 0: Float­ing Net Rate
Invalid record: Current payment = 0 on amortizing instrument leaf member: <leaf number> Current payment equal to zero and amortization code is other than simple / non amortizing. 345 For amortization codes of 100, 500, and 600, interest will be capitalized as principal. For amor­tization code of 820, no principal pay­ments will be made.
Invalid record: Valid rate cap < current rate leaf member: <leaf number> Rate Cap is not equal to zero and it is less than the current rate. 345 Rate cap will be imposed on first repricing date.
Invalid record: Valid rate floor > current rate leaf member: <leaf number> Rate Floor is not equal to zero and it is greater than the current rate. 345 Rate floor will be imposed on first repricing date.
Invalid record: Next repricing date in the past on repricing instrument leaf member: <leaf number> Repricing frequency is not equal to zero and next repricing date is less than the as of date. 345 If the next repricing date is very far in the past, it may cause the system to run out of memory.
Invalid record: Invalid int rate code on repr instr leaf member: <leaf num­ber> Reprice frequency is greater than zero and Interest Rate Code is not found in the active Historical Rates database. 345 Instrument will not reprice.
Invalid record: Origi­nal term = 0 leaf member: <leaf number> Original term is equal to zero. 345 This will produce erratic results if instrument is Rule of 78's; amortization term is also zero; or payment frequency is also zero on a non amortizing instru­ment.
Invalid record: Current net rate <= 0 on amortizing instru­ment leaf member: <leaf number> Amortization code is 100, 500, 600, 820 and current net rate <= 0. 345 Negative income will be generated for positive balances.
Invalid record: Inconsistency of reprice freq and amortization leaf member: <leaf num­ber> Amortization code is 500 or 600 and reprice frequency is zero or amortization code is 100 and reprice frequency is non zero. 345 Reprice frequency will overwrite char­acteristics defined by amortization type code.
Invalid record: No of Events>16000 Number of events is greater that 16,000. 345
Invalid record: OrgTerm and Pmt­Freq = 0 Both original term and payment fre­quency are equal to zero. 345 Record is ignored.
Invalid record: Invalid Account Type Invalid Account Type 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
Invalid record: Deferred calcula­tions do not con­verge Deferred calcula­tions do not con­verge. 345 Logs an error and recognizes all deferred income at maturity.
Invalid record: YTM Calculations do not converge. leaf: <leaf number> YTM calculation do not converge. 345 Logs an error and the YTM for the record is assumed to be zero.
Invalid record: EIR Calculations do not converge. leaf: <leaf number> EIR calculation do not converge. 345 Logs an error and the EIR for the record is assumed to be zero.
Invalid record: Behavior Type defi­nition is inconsis­tent between the Behavior Pattern and BEHAVIOR_­TYPE_CD. Defaulted to the Behavior Type specified in the Behavior Pattern. leaf: <leaf number> Behavior type code in the instrument record is not consis­tent with the behav­ior type specified in the behavior pattern definition. 345 Logs an error and the Behavior Type specified in the Behavior Pattern is used.
Invalid record: BEHAVIOR_SUB_­TYPE_CD is invalid. Unable to process. leaf: <leaf number> NPA or D and R behavior pattern is used but the behav­ior subtype code in the instrument record is invalid. 345 Logs an error and the Record is not processed.
Invalid record: Behavior pattern definition does not exist. Unable to pro­cess. leaf: <leaf number> Behavior pattern definition doesn't exist. 345 Logs an error and the Record is not processed.
Invalid record: Accrued Interest <> 0 and (Last_pay­ment_date < As_of_­date) for Behavior pattern record. Accrued interest may be overstated. leaf: <leaf number> Instrument record is using non-maturity behavior pattern and last payment date is less than as of date and Accrued inter­est is not 0. 345 Logs an error and the calculated accrued interest may be overstated.
Invalid record: Invalid Effective Interest Rate on instrument record; Market value, Yield to Maturity, Dura­tion, Modified Dura­tion, Convexity values have been calculated using 0 Effective Interest Rate. leaf: <leaf number> Effective Interest Rate in the instru­ment record is less than 0 or greater than 99 and the dis­count method is EIR and in the calcula­tion block Market value is selected and EIR is not selected. 345 Logs an error and the Market value, Yield to Maturity, Duration, Modified Duration, Convexity values will be calcu­lated using 0 Effec­tive Interest Rate.
Invalid record: Invalid Average Life. leaf: <leaf number> Calculated Average life value for the record is 0. 345 Logs an error
Accrued Interest = 0 and (Last_pay­ment_date < As_of_­date) for Multiple Reprice Instrument record. Net interest on first payment event may be understated. Leaf <leaf number> Last Payment Date/Last Reprice Date < As of Date and Accrued Interest is not supplied in the instrument 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
Interest in Advance is not supported for multiple reprice instruments. Hence defaulted to Interest in Arrears. Leaf <leaf number> Multiple Reprice events with interest payment in advance. 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
For Multiple Reprice Instruments with repricing patterns, the compounding is defaulted to None. Leaf <leaf number> If it is a multiple reprice instrument with repricing pat­terns 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
For Floating rate Multiple Reprice instruments, the compounding is defaulted to None. Leaf <leaf number> For floating rate instruments with multiple reprice. 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
For Multiple reprice instruments when compounding frequency is set as Continuous (170). The compounding is defaulted to None. Leaf <leaf number> For Multiple Reprice Instruments with Compounding Basis Code set as 170. 345

Logs an error, continues execution.

Note: This error condition occur from ALM release onwards.

For Multiple reprice instruments where compounding fre­quency <> reprcing frequency. The compounding is defaulted to None. Leaf <leaf number> Compounding fre­quency <> Repric­ing frequency 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
Accrued Interest Gross = 0 and (Last_payment_date < As_of_date) for Multiple Reprice Instrument record. Gross interest on first payment event may be under­stated. Leaf <leaf number> Last Payment Date/Last Reprice Date < As of Date and Accrued Interest Gross is not supplied in the instrument 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.

Accrued Interest TRate = 0 and (Last_payment_date < As_of_date) for Multiple Reprice Instrument record. T rate interest on first payment event may be understated. Leaf <leaf number>

Last Payment Date/Last Reprice Date < As of Date and Accrued Interest Trate is not supplied in the instrument

345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
Index Adjustment Type is Not Applica­ble and Capital Protection Category is filled in. Instrument processed without Inflation adjustment. When Index Adjust­ment Type is Not Applicable and Capi­tal Protection Cate­gory is filled in. Instrument pro­cessed without Infla­tion adjustment. 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
Index Adjustment Type is <> Not Applicable, and Base Index Value is not provided. Instrument processed without Inflation adjustment. When Index Adjust­ment Type is <> Not Applicable, and Base Index Value is null. Instrument processed without Infla­tion adjustment. 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
No data available in Account Index His­tory table.Hence Instrument pro­cessed without Inflation adjustment. When Index Name filed is null and no data available in Account Index His­tory table. Instru­ment is processed without Inflation adjustment. 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
Index Adjustment Type is <> Not Appli­cable, and Amortiztion code is other than 100, 500, 700, 800, 801, 802, 820. Instrument pro­cessed without Infla­tion adjustment. When Index Adjust­ment Type is <> Not Applicable, and Amortization code <> 100, 500, 700, 800, 801, 802, 820. Instrument pro­cessed without Infla­tion adjustment. 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.

Index value has data type other than 'Numeric' in Rate Management Economic Indicator. Instrument processed without Infla­tion adjustment.

When a record has Index Name filed in and Index value has data type other than 'Numeric' in Rate Management Economic Indicator. Instrument processed without Infla­tion adjustment.


Logs an error, con­tinues execution.

Capital Protection Category is Max during life, and Max­imum Index value not provided. Maxi­mum Index value to be calculated from AS_OF_DATE. Capital Protection Category is Max during life, and Max­imum Index value is not provided. Maxi­mum Index value to be calculated from AS_OF_DATE. 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
Payment date does not have Index value in Account Index History table. Index Factor of 1 will be considered on those payment dates. When Index Name field is null and Pay­ment date does not have Index value in Account Index His­tory table. Index Fac­tor of 1 will be considered on those payment dates. 345 Logs an error, con­tinues execution.
Bucket Number Mis­match Assumption Rule was created when the active Time Bucket Rule held more/less buckets than it has cur­rently; therefore, the Assumption Rule contains more/less bucket information than necessary. 350 If Assumption Rule holds more buckets than what currently exists, only the buckets within the current modeling term will be used. If Assumption Rule holds less buckets than what currently exists, the assump­tion for the last bucket will be carried forward for the remainder of the modeling term.
No Target for Roll/Auto leaf member: <leaf number> bucket: <bucket number> Forecast Balance methods of Target Average or Target End cannot be used for a Leaf member value used as a roll-into leaf or as an autobalancing leaf member.


Targeting methods cannot be used for leaves specified as roll-into or autobal­ancing. The tar­geted balances will be ignored.
Res_det: Security violation Current user does not have rights to create an Oracle ALM results table. 365 Processing is stopped.
Res_det: Truncate fail Results table for cur­rent processing rule could not be cleared of old data.


Processing is stopped.
Res_det: Creation fail Results table for new processing Rule could not be created. 365 Processing is stopped.
Res_det the struture of the result_de­tail table was invalid for selective repro­cessing The structure of the current Result Detail table does not match the IDT Result Detail Table Template. 365 Processing is stopped.
Account Type not defined for leaf member (leaf num­ber) In Dimension Mem­ber Set-Up, an account type attri­bute has not been specified for the cur­rent leaf member. 370 Account type will default to Earning Assets.
No. of scen in results > expected leaf member: <leaf num­ber> Number of scenarios in results set is greater than num­ber of scenarios expected from que­rying the current Forecast Rates Assumption Rule while processing Autobalancing. 380 Autobalancing will only be processed for the scenarios included in the cur­rent Forecast Rates Assumption Rule.
Invalid interest type - defaulted to interest in arrears Interest type code is not equal to 0 or 1. 385 Instrument is defaulted to “inter­est in arrears”.
Invalid Pmt pattern: pmt pattern code. <Payment Pattern Code>for new business - abs val Payment Pattern assigned to new business has a con­stant payment amount. 390 Error is logged.
No Amrt Type in Product characteris­tics for leaf mem­ber:<leaf number> No amortization type code has been assigned in Product Characteristics for the current leaf member. 395 An error message is logged and instru­ment is defaulted to simple interest.
No Amrt Type in Trans. Str. for leaf member:<leaf num­ber> No amortization type code has been assigned in Transaction Strategy for the current leaf member. 396 An error message is logged and instru­ment is defaulted to simple interest.
Formula Results Error: Mismatch in buckets number The number of mod­eling buckets in result set does not match the number of modeling buckets defined in Formula Results. 397 Error is logged.
Invalid Exchange Rate Range Error Exchange Rate Range Error <Currency> 400 Error is logged
Invalid Exchange Rate Error Exchange Rate for [From Currency To Currency] = 0 for <Date> 402 Error is logged
Invalid Currency Gain/Loss Basis. Invalid Currency Gain/Loss Basis. Defaulted to"Temporal" when values are missing in Product characteristics. 406 Instrument defaulted to "Temporal" in Product Characteristics
Invalid Pay-Equivalent Compounding Convention Invalid Pay-Equivalent Compounding Convention. Defaulted to "Do Not Adjust” when values are missing in Product characteristics. 407 Instrument defaulted to "Do Not Adjust” in Product Characteristics
Negative FullIndex­Grs Rate for leaf member: <leaf number> A negative fully indexed gross rate was calculated on a repricing event.


The negative rate will be assigned to the instrument.
Negative FullIndex­Net Rate for leaf member: <leaf number> A negative fully indexed net rate was calculated on a repricing event. 505 The negative rate will be assigned to the instrument.
Negative CurGrsRate Rate for leaf mem­ber: <leaf number> A negative current gross rate was calcu­lated on a repricing event. 505 The negative rate will be assigned to the instrument.
Negative CurNe­tRate Rate for leaf member: <leaf num­ber> A negative current net rate was calcu­lated on a repricing event. 505 The negative rate will be assigned to the instrument.
Negative CurTrRate Rate for leaf mem­ber: <leaf number> A negative current transfer rate was cal­culated on a repric­ing event. 505 The negative rate will be assigned to the instrument.
Spread rate not found in Pricing Margins Rule There is no pricing margin defined for the current leaf member. 515 Zero will be defaulted as the pricing margin.
Rate Not Found Forecasted rates do not exist for interest rate code on current instrument. 520 When the instru­ment reprices, it will receive a zero rate.
1st point used Reprice date occurs before forecasting period; forecasted rates do not exist. 525 This may occur if the data holds a reprice date which is less than the As of Date. Instrument will reprice to the rate as of the As of Date.
Last point used Reprice date occurs beyond forecasting period; forecasted rates do not exist. 530 This may occur when calculating market values beyond the model­ing term or calculat­ing the last reprice/payment event for accruals in the last bucket. Instrument will reprice to the rate as of the last forecasted date.
Code found only Interest rate code exists in Forecast Rates Assumption Rule, but no rates have been forecast. 535 When the instru­ment reprices, it will receive a zero rate.
Prepayment tier not selected, zero prepayment rate used. Market Rate and Quote Basis have been defined in the Prepayment Rule, but no tiers or prepayment percents have been created. 540 No prepayments will occur on this Leaf member.
ast payment date is before origination date. The last payment date from instru­ment record is prior to the origination date on the instru­ment record. 545 Logs error and con­tinues. For Transac­tion Strategy, last reprice date is set to origination date.
No reprice fre­quency for adjust­able record. Instrument is coded as adjustable, but the reprice fre­quency is equal to zero. 550 Instrument will be treated as fixed rate.
No schedule found for record. No match can be found in the pay­ment schedule table for the current record. 555 Logs error and defaults to simple interest record if payment frequency does not = 0.
Pattern data can not be found for AMRT_TYPE:<payment pattern code> No payment pattern information has been defined for the documented amortization type code. 560 Log error and default to simple interest.
No pattern informa­tion found for record. Documented amor­tization type code exists in database, but no supporting details are available. 565 Currently is used to notify users about invalid adjustable type code. Record defaults to fixed.
Maturity date from record does not match schedule data. The maturity date on instrument record does not exist in the payment schedule table for the current record. 570 Logs error. Uses maturity date for schedule.
Conv amrt with interest in advance, defaulted to arrears. Conventionally amortizing instru­ment is classified as interest in advance. This combination is not supported. 575 The instrument will be defaulted to interest in arrears.
Invalid Amrt. Type detected. Defaulted to Simple Int. n unknown Amor­tization Type Code was used.


Instrument will be defaulted to simple interest.
No Repricing Pattern found for record. An unknown Adjust­able Type Code was used. 600 Instrument will be defaulted to Other Adjustable.
Invalid Event_De­t_Seq (Adj_­Type_CD:<Adjustable type code>); Evnt_dtl_seq should start from 0. or an Event Sequence, Event Detail Sequence has started from a non-zero value. 635 Repricing pattern is ignored and will pro­duce erratic results if this repricing pattern is used.
1st point used. Reprice date occurs before forecasting period; forecasted rates do not exist. 725 This may occur if the data holds a reprice date which is less than the As of Date. Instrument will reprice to the rate as of the As of Date.
Last point used. Reprice date occurs beyond forecasting period; forecasted rates do not exist. 730 This may occur when calculating market values beyond the model­ing term or calculat­ing the last reprice/payment event for accruals in the last bucket. Instrument will reprice to the rate as of the last forecasted date.
Negative Transfer Rate. 740

Invalid duration gen­erated for this row. 795

Divide by zero 810
Invalid record:Engine calcu­lated Market Value (MARKET_VAL­UE_C) is more than its allowed size (9999.999999) hence resetting it as Market Value Clean (MARKET_VALUE_­CLEAN_C). Leaf member:<<PLACE­HOLDER>>. If value of column MARKET_VALUE_C is beyond specified precision, then MARKET_ VALUE_­CLEAN_C value is considered for calcu­lation (less than 9999.999999). If value of MARKET_ VALUE_CLEAN_C is also beyond speci­fied precision, then Engine will default this value to 100. 345
Invalid record:Engine calcu­lated Market Value Clean (MAR­KET_VALUE_­CLEAN_C) is more than its allowed size (9999.999999) hence resetting it as Market Value (MAR­KET_VALUE_C).Leaf member:<<PLACE­HOLDER>>. If value of column MARKET_VALUE_ CLEAN_C is beyond specified precision, then MARKET_ VAL­UE_C value is con­sidered for calculation (less than 9999.999999). If value of MARKET_ VALUE_C is also beyond specified precision, then Engine will default this value to 100. 345

Invalid record:Both Engine calculated Market Value Clean (MARKET_VALUE_­CLEAN_C) & Market Value (MAR­KET_VALUE_C) are more than its allowed size (9999.999999) hence updating value as 100. Leaf member:<<PLACE­HOLDER>>. If value of columns MARKET_VALUE_C and MARKET_ VAL­UE_CLEAN_C are beyond specified precision, Engine will default these values to 100. 345