23.6 Performance Tuning Prepayment Rate Calculation Processes

Processing time for Prepayment Rate Calculation Processes can be reduced by modifying parallel processing parameters in the FSI_PARALLEL_PARAMETERS table.

Parallel execution related parameters for Prepayment Rate Calculation are seeded by the application with a process_engine_cd value of "3" in the FSI_PARALLEL_PARAMETER table.

The Prepayment Rate Calculation process looks for the value given in parallel_query field. If the value is given as "ENABLED", the engine uses the PARALLEL_DEGREE input and sets the degree of parallelism for execution of the queries within the Prepayment Rate Calculation engine.

These values must be set by the user or implementation team, when they want to take advantage of parallel query executions. The optimal value for the PARALLEL_QUERY input depends on the environment and must be iteratively tested to arrive at the appropriate value.