9.1 Rule Summary Page

The Rule summary page is the gateway to all rules and related functionality of the application. From there, you can navigate to other related pages. On the header of the Rule summary page, you can perĀ­form simple queries on Folder, Rule Name, and in many cases, the dimension upon which the rule is based.

For example, the following table shows the Rule Summary page components of the Payment Pattern Rule.

Table 9-1 List of key terms used in Common Rule Summary page

Name Description

Filter the rules under the folder.

The default value must be set in Application Preferences.

(Rule) Name You can specify all or part of a rule name. For example, if you want to see only those Rules which start with 'A' – Enter A in the text field.
Dimension The default value must be set in Application Preferences.
Search Initiates rule search based on specified criteria.
Reset Restores default search criteria.
Add Initiates the Data or Ledger Loader rule creation process
(Rule) Name Hover over this to show the rule description and in some cases also dis-plays the unique system ID number.
Created By Shows who created the Rule version.
Creation Date Shows when the Rule was created.
Last Modified By Shows who last modified the rule.
Last Modified Date Shows when the rule was last modified.
View Opens the selected rule in read-only mode.
Edit Opens the selected rule in edit mode.
Delete Deletes the selected Rule.
Copy Initiates the process for copying rules.
Run Initiates the process for running Rules.
Pagination Options

Indicates the number of rows to display per page in the summary table.

The default value must be set in Global Preferences.