23.7.1 UI Based Procedure

To execute the process using UI based procedure, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Prepayment Rate Calculation Process summary page.
  2. Select a Process that you want to execute or run.


    The status column indicates whether or not a process can be run. The following are the possible status conditions:

    • Complete: Indicates the process is fully defined and ready to be run.
    • Incomplete: Indicates the process is partially defined and cannot be run.
    • View Log: Indicates the process has already been run and also indicates a process can be re-run. In this case View Log is a hyperlink that allows you to navigate to the Log Viewer page where you can review any processing errors or alerts related to this process.
  3. After executing the preceding process, select the View Log Hyperlink.
  4. Select the Task ID (also known as the unique system identifier) to view a report for any processing errors.

    If significant processing errors exist, you should re-run your process.

  5. The Prepayment Rate Calculation process is complete.