3.14 Application Preferences

In addition to Global Preferences, each of the OFS Analytical Applications has its own local application preferences. In the same way as in Global Preferences, Application Preferences (for each application) employs a "delegation" model that allows Administrators to set some preference items for all users while allowing non-administrative users to personalize other preference items.

Normally, you will set Application Preferences for yourself, but if you are logged in as an Administrator, you may set Application Preferences for all users of an application. When setting preferences for all users, you may restrict the ability of non-Administrators to change an Application Preference item by deselecting the Is Editable check box. If a preference item for a non-administrative user is defined as not editable, a user who is not an Administrator will inherit the value of the preference item that his Administrator has set for him and he will not have the ability to change it for himself.

While most Application Preferences items are unique to the application to which they belong, two propĀ­erties are common to Application Preferences for each of the OFS Analytical Applications: Folder Name and Access Type.

Having the Folder Name and Access Type properties set at the application level allows you to have a different default Folder and Access Type for each OFS Analytical Application. Within the Left Hand Side or LHS menu, all OFSAA Infrastructure rules (Hierarchies, Filters, and Expressions) are maintained under Master Maintenance.

Since Folder and Access Type are not Global Preference items, a user must select one application's set of Application Preferences to be Active to govern the default values of Folder and Access Type for Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure rules. This is done by selecting one of your Application Preference sets to be the one that is Active for Master Maintenance.