3.7 Attributes

OFSAA Infrastructure includes functionality for Adding, Viewing, Editing, or Deleting dimension attri­butes. Which of these functions you can access depends on your logon privilege and on the dimension with which you wish to work.

The seeded OFSAA Key Processing Dimensions have a number of seeded or seeded & required attri­butes. For example, the Common Chart of Accounts dimension includes an Account Type attribute and an Accrual Basis attribute; the Financial Element dimension includes an Aggregation Method attribute. Some of these attributes have important implications in processing within OFSAA.

You may add Attributes to any Key Processing Dimension or to any Standard Dimension that supports Attributes (see sections above describing Key Processing Dimensions and Standard Dimensions).

One of the important properties of an Attribute is its Data Type. OFSAA Infrastructure supports Dimen­sion Attribute Data Types of:

  • Date, String, or Number
  • Dimension