4.1 Oracle Cash Flow Engine

The following limitations apply to this product.

Product Dimension

The product dimension ID must be a numeric integer value greater than 0. In application preferences, users must always select ‘Product’ in preferences. Common COA and GL Account are not used by Cash Flow Engine.

CFE Processing

When a process generates a balance value larger than 999,999,999,999.99, the database cannot support the value and a numeric overflow occurs.

This may be caused if multiple accounts have been aggregated before giving as input to Cash Flow.

Forecast Rates

Only one scenario can be defined within a single Forecast Rates assumption rule.

The following methods to forecast Interest Rate Curve and Economic Indcator are supported:

  • Flat
  • Direct Input

Prepayment Model

There is a maximum of three dimensions/drivers per Prepayment Model.

Prepayment Rule

There is a maximum of 100 origination or maturity date ranges per product within a Prepayment rule. The earliest and maximum origination or maturity date that can be entered through the user interface are 01/01/1900 and 12/31/2499, respectively.

Cash Flow Engine does not support conditional assumption in the Prepayment rule. Prepayment method can be specified only at product and currency combination.

User-defined Behavior Patterns

Cash Flow Engine supports unlimited number of Behavior Pattern. However, due to compatibility with other applications like Asset Liability Management, Fund Transfer Pricing, there is a restriction in User Interface where the valid range for user-defined pattern codes is 70000-99999.

User-defined Payment Patterns

Cash Flow Engine supports unlimited number of Payment Pattern. However, due to compatibility with other applications like Asset Liability Management, Fund Transfer Pricing, there is a restriction in User Interface where the valid range for user-defined pattern codes is 1000-69999.

User-defined Repricing Patterns

Cash Flow Engine supports unlimited number of Repricing Pattern. However, due to compatibility with other applications like Asset Liability Management, Fund Transfer Pricing, there is a restriction in User Interface where the valid range for user-defined pattern codes is 500-99999.


Cash Flow Engine only supports Data Filter.