7.14 Detail Cash Flow Data

Table 7-30 Detail Cash Flow Data

Column Name Column Description Column Type Event use
ID_NUMBER Unique identifier. static I
COMMON_COA_ID Leaf value used to determine financial account type of detail instrument. static I
ADJUSTABLE_TYPE_CD Determines whether reprice occurs, and, if it occurs, whether it occurs according to reprice dates or bucket dates. static R
ACCRUAL_BASIS_CD Method of accrual used in determining the rate per payment. static P
ACCRUED_INTEREST For Non Maturity Behavior Pattern instruments, the Accrued Interest amount – up to the as-of-date, is added to the computed interest (As-of-date to next-payment-date) to arrive at the full interest amount on next payment date. Static P, I
AMRT_TERM & AMRT_TERM_MULT Determines time over which principal is amortized; used in payment recalculation. static P, PC
AMRT_TYPE_CD Determines method for amortizing principal. Used to match to payment pattern data. static PC
AMORT_METH_PDFC_CD Determines the method for amortizing premiums and discounts. Static D, I
BEHAVIOUR_TYPE_CD Determines the type of Behavior Pattern, e.g. Non Maturity, Non Performing or Devolvement and Recovery. Static PC
BEHAVIOUR_SUB_TYPE_CD Determines the sub type of the Behavior Pattern. Static PC
CUR_PAYMENT Amount of current payment, meaning depends on amortization type code. dynamic P, PC
CUR_PAR_BAL Balance on which principal runoff, interest cash flows, deferred runoff are based. dynamic P, PC, PP
CUR_NET_RATE Interest rate that the financial institution pays/receives. dynamic P, R, PC, PP
CUR_GROSS_RATE Interest rate that the customer pays/receives; used in determining payments and prepayments. dynamic P, R, PC, PP
DEFERRED_CUR_BAL Holds current unamortized premium, discount, fees, costs, and so on. dynamic D
ISSUE_DATE Date instrument is recognized as on-the-books. Used in dynamic gap and market value calculations. I
INTEREST_RATE_CD Code value that determines the forecasted rate to base repricing on. static R
INT_TYPE Determines how interest is calculated and accrued. static P
INSTRUMENT_TYPE_CD Used to match a schedule instrument record to its scheduled payment dates and amounts. static I
LAST_PAYMENT_DATE Date of last payment before the as-of-date, used to calculate days in first payment for interest in arrears instruments and to calculate accruals prior to first payment in interest in advance instruments. static P
LRD_BALANCE Balance as of last reprice date. static I
LAST_REPRICE_DATE Last date instrument rate repriced. static I
MARGIN MARGIN_T_RATE has been deprecated.The FTP rate is completely dictated by the method and IRC defined in the TP Rule. MARGIN_T_RATE on the instrument record is not used. static R
MATURITY_DATE Date of final payment. static P, PP
NEG_AMRT_AMT Amount of current balance due to negative amortization of interest payments. dynamic P
NEG_AMRT_EQ_DATE Date that instrument fully re-amortizes, irrespective of payment caps. event trigger PC
NEG_AMRT_EQ_FREQ & NEG_AMRT_EQ_MULT Frequency of neg am equalization events. 0 denotes neg-am equalization never occurs. static PC
NEG_AMRT_LIMIT Maximum amount that instrument can negatively amortize, stored as a percent of original balance. event trigger PC
NEXT_PAYMENT_DATE Date of next payment. event trigger P, PC
NEXT_REPRICE_DATE Date of next rate change. event trigger R, PP
ORG_PAYMENT_AMT Payment used for cash flow transfer pricing of fixed rate records. Used by pattern instruments to calculate payment amount. static PC,I
ORG_PAR_BAL Used in conjunction with neg am limit to determine the maximum amount that instrument can negatively amortize. Used for Rule of 78's schedules. Used by pattern instruments to calculate payment amount. static PC,I
ORG_TERM & ORG_ TERM_MULT Time from origination date to maturity date. Used in determining whether an instrument balloons for payment recalculation purposes. static PC,PP
ORIGINATION_DATE Determines age of instrument for prepayments. Used in calculating remaining amortization term. Used in determining payment number in pattern records. static PP,PC
PERCENT_SOLD Determines net balance. static I
PMT_ADJUST_DATE Date of next scheduled payment recalculation for neg am instruments. event trigger PC
PMT_CHG_FREQ & PMT_CHG_FREQ_MULT Frequency of regular payment change calculation for neg-am instruments only. 0 denote payment never changes. static PC
PMT_DECR_CYCLE Maximum percent payment can decrease from its previous value. static PC
PMT_DECR_LIFE Minimum payment amount; stored as a percent of original payment amount; can be overwritten on ngam equalization dates. static PC
PMT_FREQ & PMT_FREQ_MULT Frequency of payments; should be set equal to original term if instrument is bullet (principal and interest at maturity date) or account type of other asset, other liability, interest income, interest expense, non-interest income, non-interest expense. static P, PC, PP
PMT_INCR_CYCLE Maximum percent payment can increase from previous value. static PC
PMT_INCR_LIFE Maximum payment amount; stored as a percent of original payment amount; can be overwritten on ngam equalization dates. static PC
RATE_CAP_LIFE Maximum value to which current rate can reprice. static R
RATE_CHG_MIN Minimum amount that current rate must change before a rate change occurs. static R
RATE_CHG_RND_CD Type of rounding to be applied to current rate. static R
RATE_CHG_RND_FAC Precision of rounding; 0 denotes no rounding. static R
RATE_DECR_CYCLE Maximum amount rate can decrease within a repricing period. static R
RATE_FLOOR_LIFE Minimum value to which current rate can reprice. static R
RATE_INCR_CYCLE Maximum amount rate can increase within a repricing period. static R
RATE_SET_LAG & RATE_ SET_LAG_MULT Time lag used when repricing. Used to determine rate set date on reprice event. static R
REMAIN_NO_PMTS_C Number of payments left to be made on the instrument from the As of Date to the maturity date. dynamic P, PC
REPRICE_FREQ & REPRICE_FREQ_MULT Frequency that instrument reprices; 0 denotes fixed rate. static R, PP
RESIDUAL_AMOUNT For leases, indicates the residual amount. Static I,C
ORG_PAYMENT_AMT Payment used for cash flow transfer pricing of fixed rate records. static I
TEASER_END_DATE Date that teased instrument begins repricing. event trigger R, PP
MARGIN_GROSS Pricing spread added to IRC for current gross rate. static R
MARGIN_T_RATE MARGIN_T_RATE has been deprecated.The FTP rate is completely dictated by the method and IRC defined in the TP Rule. MARGIN_T_RATE on the instrument record is not used. static R
TP_EFFECTIVE_DATE Override date used by FTP to determine an alternate effective date for the historical TP Rate lookup. static I
T_RATE_INT_RATE_CD Reserved for future use Static R
NET_MARGIN_CODE Defines relationship between gross rate and net rate; 0 denotes floating net rate; 1 denotes constant net rate. Static R

Event Use Code Values

I = Initialization of Record

P = Payment

PC = Payment Recalculation

PP = Prepayment

R = Reprice D =

Deferred Amortization