23.3 Financial Elements Listed by Number

Table 23-5 List of Financial Elements by Number

Financial Element Description Financial Element Number Averaging Type Weighting Factor Output Group Formula Detailed Description
Beginning Balance 60 At First Standard If the first bucket, then it is considered as (Cur Par Balance * (100 - Percent sold)) from the instrument record. If any other bucket, it is considered as Ending Balance of the previous bucket
Beginning Gross Rate 70 At First Beginning Balance Standard If the first bucket, then calculated as (Beginning Balance * (Current Gross Rate + Gross Margin) from instrument record). If any other bucket, then it is considered as Ending Net Rate of the previous bucket. The forecasted rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics.
Beginning Net Rate 80 At First Beginning Balance Standard If the first bucket, it is calculated as (Beginning Balance * (Current Net Rate + Margin) from instrument record). If any other bucket, it is considered as Ending Net Rate of the previous bucket. The forecasted rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics.
Beginning Transfer Rate 90 At First Beginning Balance Standard If the first bucket is calculated as (Beginning Balance * (Current Transfer Rate + Margin) from instrument record). If any other bucket, it is considered as Ending Net Rate of the previous bucket. The forecasted rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics.
Beginning Liquidity Adjustment Rate 91 At First Beginning Balance Standard Calculated as: Current Liquidity Adjustments Rate * Beginning Balance
Beginning Basis Risk Cost Rate 92 At First Beginning Balance Standard

Calculated as:

Current Basis Risk Cost Rate * Beginning Balance

Beginning Pricing Incentive Rate 93 At First Beginning Balance Standard

Calculated as:

Current Pricing Incentive Rate * Beginning Balance

Beginning Other Adjustment Rate 94 At First Beginning Balance Standard

Calculated as:

Current Other Adjustments Rate * Beginning Balance

End Balance 100 At Last Standard

Calculated as:

Beginning Balance - Total Runoff + New Add Balance + New Roll Add Balance - Writeoff Negative

Ending Gross Rate 110 At Last Ending Balance Standard

Calculated as:

End Balance * (Current Gross Rate + Margin)Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics

Ending Net Rate 120 At Last Ending Balance Standard

Calculated as:

End Balance * (Current Net Rate + Margin)Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics

Ending Transfer Rate 130 At Last Ending Balance Standard

End Balance * (Current Transfer Rate + Margin)

Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics

Ending Liquidity Adjustment Rate 131 At Last Ending Balance Standard Current Liquidity Adjustments Rate * Ending Balance
Ending Basis Risk Cost Rate 132 At Last Ending Balance Standard Current Basis Risk Cost Rate * Ending Balance
Ending Pricing Incentive Cost Rate 133 At Last Ending Balance Standard Current Pricing Incentive Rate * Ending Balance
Ending Other Adjustment Rate 134 At Last Ending Balance Standard Current Other Adjustments Rate * Ending Balance
Average Bal 140 Daily Average Standard Sum of (Balance * Number of days)Note: It includes all balances within the bucket and the corresponding number of days.
Average Account Balance 141 Daily Average Average Balance
Average Total Balance 142 Daily Average Average Balance
Average Percentage Active 143 Daily Average Average Balance
Average Volume Total 144 Daily Average Average Balance
Average Gross Rate 150 Daily Average Average Balance Standard Sum of all (Beginning Balance * (Current Gross Rate + Margin))/ Size of the bucketForecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Average Net Rate 160 Daily Average Average Balance Standard Sum of all (Beginning Balance * (Current Net Rate + Margin))/ Size of the bucketForecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics.
Average Transfer Rate 170 Daily Average Average Balance Standard Sum of all (Beginning Balance * (Current Transfer Rate + Margin))/ Size of the bucketForecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics.
Average Historic Option Cost 171 Daily Average Average Balance
Average Rem Term Transfer Rate 172 Daily Average Average Balance
Average Current Option Cost 173 Daily Average Average Balance
Average Liquidity Adjustment Rate 174 Daily Average Average Balance Standard Sum of (Current Liquidity Adjustments Rate * Balance) Note: It includes all balances within the bucket and the corresponding number of days.
Average Basis Risk Cost Rate 175 Daily Average Average Balance Standard

Sum of (Current Basis Risk Cost Rate * Balance)

Note: It includes all balances within the bucket and the corresponding number of days

Average Pricing Incentive Rate 176 Daily Average Average Balance Standard

Sum of (Current Pricing Incentive Rate * Balance)

Note: It includes all balances within the bucket and the corresponding number of days.

Average Other Adjustment Rate 177 Daily Average Average Balance Standard

Sum of (Current Other Adjustments Rate * Balance)

Note: It includes all balances within the bucket and the corresponding number of days.

Inflation Adjustment to Principal 178 Sum Standard Index unadjusted Principal cash flow - Index adjusted Principal cash flow
Inflation Adjustment to Interest 179 Sum Standard Index unadjusted Interest cash flow - Index adjusted Interest cash flow
Prepay Runoff - Positive 180 Sum Standard Adjusted Prepayment Factor * Balance before Prepayment
Timing of Prepay Runoff - Positive 181 Sum Prepay Runoff (positive) Prepay Detail Prepayment Runoff Positive * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucketThis formula holds good if single cashflow occurs in a bucket. If multiple cash flows occur, then all will need to be aggregated.
Prepay Runoff - Negative 182 Sum Prepay Detail

Adjusted Prepayment Factor * Balance before Prepayment

It is applicable for negative volumes.

Timing of Prepay Runoff - Negative 183 Sum Prepay Runoff (negative) Prepay Detail Prepayment Runoff Negative * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
MOA Prepay Runoff 184 Sum Prepay Detail Interest Cashflow without offset - Interest Cashflow with offset
Timing of MOA Prepay Runoff 185 Sum MOA Prepay Runoff Prepay Detail MOA Prepay Runoff * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Writeoff Positive 186 Sum Runoff Detail
Timing of Writeoff Positive 187 Sum Writeoff (Positive) Runoff Detail Writeoff Positive * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Writeoff Negative 188 Sum Runoff Detail Cur Par Balance on the Maturity Date
Timing of Writeoff Negative 189 Sum Writeoff (Negative) Runoff Detail Writeoff Negative * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Payment Runoff - Positive 190 Sum Runoff Detail Current Payment - Interest Cashflow, if positive
Timing of Payment Runoff - Positive 191 Sum Payment Runoff (positive) Runoff Detail Payment Runoff Positive * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Payment Runoff - Negative 192 Sum Runoff Detail Current Payment - Interest Cashflow, if negative
Timing of Payment Runoff - Negative 193 Sum Payment Runoff (negative) Runoff Detail Payment Runoff Negative * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Index Factor 194 Standard
Maturity Runoff - Positive 195 Sum Runoff Detail Cur Par Balance - Payment Runoff on the maturity date, if positive
Timing of Maturity Runoff - Positive 196 Sum Maturity Runoff - Positive Runoff Detail Maturity Runoff Positive * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Maturity Runoff - Negative 197 Sum Runoff Detail Cur Par Balance - Payment Runoff on the maturity date, if negative
Timing of Maturity Runoff - Negative 198 Sum Maturity Runoff - Negative Runoff Detail Maturity Runoff Negative * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Non Maturity - Core Runoff 200 Sum Runoff Detail Cur Par Balance * Non Maturity Core Percentage (from Behavior Pattern)
Timing of Non Maturity - Core Runoff 201 Sum Non Maturity Runoff (Core) Runoff Detail Core Runoff * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Non Maturity - Volatile Runoff 202 Sum Runoff Detail Cur Par Balance * Non Maturity Volatile Percentage (from Behavior Pattern)
Timing of Non Maturity - Volatile Runoff 203 Sum Non Maturity Runoff (Volatile) Runoff Detail Volatile Runoff * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Devolvement Runoff 204 Sum Runoff Detail Devolvement Percentage * Original Par Balance
Timing of Devolvement Runoff 205 Sum Devolvement Runoff Runoff Detail Devolvement Runoff * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Recovery Runoff 206 Sum Runoff Detail Recovery Percentage * Cur Par Balance
Timing of Recovery Runoff 207 Sum Recovery Runoff Runoff Detail Recovery Runoff * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Non Performing Asset Runoff 208 Sum Runoff Detail Non Performing Asset Percentage * Cur Par Balance
Timing of Non Performing Asset Runoff 209 Sum NPA Runoff Runoff Detail Non Performing Asset Runoff * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Total Runoff - Positive 210 Sum Standard Payment Runoff Positive + Prepayment Runoff Positive + Maturity Runoff Positive + Non Performing Asset Runoff + Devolvement Runoff + Core Runoff + Volatile Runoff
Timing of Total Runoff - Positive 211 Sum Total Runoff (positive) Standard Total Runoff Positive * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Total Runoff - Negative 212 Sum Standard Payment Runoff Negative + Prepayment Runoff Negative + Maturity Runoff Negative
Timing of Total Runoff - Negative 213 Sum Total Runoff (negative) Standard Total Runoff Negative * (Cashflow Date - Start Date of the bucket) / Total Number of days in the bucket
Total Call Runoff Amount 214
Timing of Call Runoff Amount 215
Total Put Runoff Amount 216
Timing of Put Runoff Amount 217
Strike Rate - Rate Based Approach 218
Total Runoff Gross Rate 220 Sum Total Runoff (positive) Standard Total Runoff * (Current Gross Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Prepay Runoff Gross Rate 225 Prepay Runoff * (Current Gross Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Total Runoff Net Rate 230 Sum Total Runoff (positive) Standard Total Runoff * (Current Net Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Prepay Runoff Net Rate 235 Prepay Runoff * (Current Net Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Total Runoff Transfer Rate 240 Sum Total Runoff (positive) Standard Total Runoff * (Current Transfer Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Prepay Runoff Transfer Rate 245 Sum Prepay Runoff Prepay Detail Prepay Runoff * (Current Transfer Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Repricing Balance 250 At First Reprice Detail Cur Par Balance before the reprice event
Repricing Balance At End 255 At Last Reprice Detail Cur Par Balance after the reprice event
Before Repricing Gross Rate 260 At First Repricing Balance Reprice Detail Beginning Balance * Gross Rate before Reprice event
After Repricing Gross Rate 270 At Last Repricing Balance At End Reprice Detail Beginning Balance * Gross Rate after Reprice event
Before Repricing Net Rate 280 At First Repricing Balance Reprice Detail Beginning Balance * Net Rate before Reprice event
After Repricing Net Rate 290 At Last Repricing Balance At End Reprice Detail Beginning Balance * Net Rate after Reprice event
Before Reprice Transfer Rate 300 At First Repricing Balance Reprice Detail Beginning Balance * Transfer Rate before Reprice event
After Reprice Transfer Rate 310 At Last Repricing Balance At End Reprice Detail Beginning Balance * Transfer Rate after Reprice event
Fully Indexed Gross Rate 320 Sum Reprice Detail Current Balance * Current Gross Rate after applying margin, minimum rate change
Fully Indexed Net Rate 330 Sum Reprice Detail Current Balance * Current Net Rate after applying margin, minimum rate change
New Add Balance 340 Sum New Origination For Forward Start Instruments, this is the cur par balance For New Add, this is the new add amount given by the user - TS Originations - FS Originations For Target Growth, if Bucket End, Beginning Balance * Growth Percentage - TS Originations - FS Originations; if Mid Bucket, (Beginning Balance * Growth Percentage) + Runoffs For Target End, if Bucket End, (Ending Balance - Beginning Balance - Transaction Strategies Originations - FS Originations + Runoffs); if Mid Bucket, (Ending Balance - Beginning Balance - Transaction Strategies Originations - FS Originations + Runoffs) For Rollover with Target Growth, if Bucket End, (Beginning Balance * Growth Percentage - TS Originations - FS Originations - Rollover originations); if Mid Bucket, (Beginning Balance * Growth Percentage - TS Originations - FS Originations - Rollover originations + Runoffs)
Rollover Percentage 341 New Origination
Net New Business 342 New Origination
New Add Gross Rate 350 Sum New Add Balance New Origination

New Add Balance * (Current Gross Rate + Margin)

Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics

New Add Net Rate 360 Sum New Add Balance New Origination

New Add Balance * (Current Net Rate + Margin).

Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics

New Add Transfer Rate 370 Sum New Add Balance New Origination New Add Balance * (Current Transfer Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
New Add Liquidity Adjustment Rate 371 Daily Average New Add Balance New Origination Current Liquidity Adjustments Rate * New Add Balance
New Add Basis Risk Cost Rate 372 Daily Average New Add Balance New Origination Current Basis Risk Cost Rate * New Add Balance
New Add Pricing Incentive Rate 373 Daily Average New Add Balance New Origination Current Pricing Incentive Rate * New Add Balance
New Add Other Adjustment Rate 374 Daily Average New Add Balance New Origination Current Other Adjustments Rate * New Add Balance
New Add Spread 375 New Add Balance New Origination
Roll Add Balance 380 Sum New Origination

Sum of (Percentage of Runoff * Actual Runoff)

This can be Total runoff or any of the runoff types that make up Total Runoff

Roll Add Gross Rate 390 Sum New Origination

Roll Add Balance * (Current Gross Rate + Margin)

Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics

Roll Add Net Rate 400 Sum New Origination Roll Add Balance * (Current Net Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Roll Add Transfer Rate 410 Sum New Origination Roll Add Balance * (Current Transfer Rate + Margin). Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Roll Add Liquidity Adjustment Rate 411 Daily Average Roll Add Balance New Origination Current Liquidity Adjustments Rate * Roll Add Balance
Roll Add Basis Risk Cost Rate 412 Daily Average Roll Add Balance New Origination Current Basis Risk Cost Rate * Roll Add Balance
Roll Add Pricing Incentive Rate 413 Daily Average Roll Add Balance New Origination Current Pricing Incentive Rate * Roll Add Balance
Liquidity Adjustment Charge/Credit 414 Accrual Standard
Basis Risk Cost Charge/Credit 415 Accrual Standard
Pricing Incentive Charge/Credit 416 Accrual Standard
Other Adjustment Charge/Credit 417 Accrual Standard
Roll Add Other Adjustment Rate 418 Daily Average Roll Add Balance New Origination Current Other Adjustments Rate * Roll Add Balance
Interest 420
Interest Amount Gross 425
Interest Cash Flow 430 Sum Standard Balance * Compounded Rate per payment. Rate per payment = Accrual Basis * Current Net Rate * Payment Frequency
Interest Cash Flow Gross 435 Sum Standard Balance * Compounded Rate per payment. Rate per payment = Accrual Basis * Current Gross Rate * Payment Frequency
Interest Cash Flow T-Rate 437 Sum Standard Balance * Compounded Rate per payment. Rate per payment = Accrual Basis * Current Transfer Rate * Payment Frequency
Interest CF (Without Offset) 438 Sum Standard
Interest Accrued1 440 Accrual Standard Daily Accrual * Number of Days in the bucket. Daily Accrual = Interest cashflow / Number of days in the payment period
Interest Accrued Net 441 Accrual
Accrued Interest (Without Offset) 442 Accrual Standard
Accrued Interest Net (Without Offset) 443 Accrual Standard
Interest Accrued Gross 445 Accrual Standard
Interest Accrued Gross (current basis) 446 Accrual
Accumulated Interest CF Net 447 Sum Standard
Accumulated Interest CF Gross 448 Sum Standard
Accumulated Interest CF Transfer Rate 449 Sum Standard
Transfer Rate Charge/Credit 450 Accrual Standard
Historic Option Cost Charge/Credit 451 Accrual
Charge/Credit Rem Term 452 Accrual
Current Option Cost Charge/Credit 453 Accrual
Interest Accrued Transfer Rate (Cur Bas) 454 Accrual
Non Interest Income 455 Sum Standard
Non Interest Expense 457 Sum Standard
Accrued Interest Ending Balance 460 Accrual
Total Currency Gain/Loss (Principal) 465 Sum Standard (FE60 Beginning Balance) * [(1/ Current Exchange rate) - (1/ Previous Exchange Rate)]
Accrued Interest Average Balance 470 Accrual
Realized Currency Gain/Loss (Principal) 475 Sum Standard (FE210, 212 Total Runoff) * [(1/ Current Exchange rate) - (1/ Original Exchange Rate)]
Option Exercise Market Value 476
Option Exercise Rate 477
Option Exercise Gain/Loss 478
Interest Credited 480 Sum Runoff Detail
Realized Currency Gain/Loss (Interest) 485 Sum Standard Interest Cash Flow Net * [(1/Current Exchange Rate) - (1/Original Exchange Rate)]
Realized Currency Gain/Loss (Interest-Gross) 486 Sum Standard Interest Cash Flow Gross * [(1/Current Exchange Rate) - (1/Original Exchange Rate)]
Realized Currency Gain/Loss (Interest-T-Rate) 487 Sum Standard Interest Cash Flow Transfer * [(1/Current Exchange Rate) - (1/Original Exchange Rate)]
Discount Rate IS 490 At Last Standard Discount Rate * Present value of the cashflows
Timing of Cash Flow (in days) 491 Sum Standard Days in payment * Discount Rate * Present Value of the cashflows
Discount Factor 492 Daily Average Standard

1/(1 + Discount Rate) ^ Discount Factor Term

If Spot Rate, Read from Discount Rates. If Spot IRC, read the term point from the IRC Historical Rates. If Forecast Original (or Remaining Term), read from Forecast Rates corresponding to the Original Term of the instrument ( or Remaining Term as Cashflow Date - As of Date).

If Effective Interest Rate, Read from column EFF_INTEREST_RATE_C.

Discount Factor Term (Days) 493 Sum Standard Diff between the Cashflow Date and As of Date expressed in years
Rate Lookup Term (Days) 494 Sum Standard Cash Flow Date - As of Date expressed in days
Market Value of TP Cash Flow (P+I) 495 Sum Standard TP Cashflow * Discount Factor
Market Value of TP Interest Cash Flow 497 Sum Standard TP Interest Cashflow * Discount Factor
WARM 500 Sum Ending Balance Standard Ending Balance * (Maturity Date - Bucket End Date)/365
Annual Prepayment Rate 510 Sum Balance Before PrePay Prepay Detail CPR Rate
Balance Before PrePay 515 Sum Prepay Detail Cur Par Balance - Payment Runoff
Deferred End Balance 520 At Last Standard Deferred Beginning Balance - Deferred Runoff
Deferred Average Balance 530 Daily Average Standard Sum of all (Beginning Deferred Balance * Number of days for that balance)
Deferred Runoff 540 Accrual Standard Daily Deferred Runoff * Bucket Size (for SLA method)
Period Cap Balance 550 Daily Average Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM Cur Par Balance on the cashflow date
Period Cap Effect - Rate 560 Daily Average Period Cap Balance Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM ((Fully Indexed Rate - Capped Rate adjusted with Periodic Cap/Floor)* Beginning Balance)
Period Cap Effect - Amount 570 Accrual Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM (Interest Cashflow Net without cap/floor adjustment - Interest Cashflow Net with cap/floor adjustment)
Life Cap Balance 580 Daily Average Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM Cur Par Balance on the cashflow date
Life Cap Effect - Rate 590 Daily Average Life Cap Balance Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM ((Fully Indexed Rate - Capped Rate adjusted with Life Cap/Floor)* Beginning Balance)
Life Cap Effect - Amount 600 Accrual Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM (Interest Cashflow Net without cap/floor adjustment - Interest Cashflow Net with cap/floor adjustment)
Tease Balance 610 Daily Average Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM Cur Par Balance on the cashflow date
Tease Effect - Rate 620 Daily Average Tease Balance Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM ((Fully Indexed Rate - Tease Rate adjusted)* Beginning Balance)
Tease Effect - Amount 630 Accrual Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM (Interest Cashflow Net without tease adjustment - Interest Cashflow Net with tease adjustment)
Neg-Am Balance 640 Daily Average Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM Cur Par Balance on the cashflow date
Neg-Am Interest 650 Accrual Cap/Floor/Tease/NGAM
Gap Runoff 660 Sum Standard GAP Principal Runoff + GAP Repricing Runoff + GAP Deferred Runoff
Gap Principal Runoff 661 Sum Runoff Detail Principal Runoff because of Payment event across IRR Buckets
Gap Repricing Runoff 662 Sum Repricing Principal Runoff because of Repricing event across IRR Buckets
Gap Deferred Runoff 663 Sum Runoff Detail Deferred Runoff across IRR Buckets
Gap Inflation Adjustment to Principal 665 Sum Standard GAP Index unadjusted Principal cash flow - GAP Index adjusted Principal cash flow
Gap Inflation Adjustment to interest 669 Sum Standard GAP Index unadjusted Interest cash flow - GAP Index adjusted Interest cash flow
Gap Runoff Term 670 Sum Gap Runoff Balance Standard
Gap Interest Cash Flow Gross 671 Sum Runoff Detail Interest Cashflow Gross across IRR Buckets
Gap Interest Cash Flow Net 672 Sum Runoff Detail Interest Cashflow Net across IRR Buckets
Gap Interest Cash Flow Transfer 673 Sum Runoff Detail Interest Cashflow Transfer across IRR Buckets
Gap Accrued Interest Gross 674 Accrual Runoff Detail Interest Accrued Gross across IRR Buckets
Gap Accrued Interest Net 675 Accrual Runoff Detail Interest Accrued Net across IRR Buckets
Gap Accrued Interest Transfer 676 Accrual Runoff Detail Interest Across Transfer across IRR Buckets
Gap Interest Credited 677 Sum Runoff Detail
Gap Margin Interest Cash Flow - Gross 678 Sum Runoff Detail Interest Cashflow From Margin Gross across IRR Buckets
Gap Margin Interest Cash Flow - Net 679 Sum Runoff Detail Interest Cashflow From Margin Net across IRR Buckets
Gap Runoff Gross Rate 680 Sum Gap Runoff Balance Standard GAP Runoff * Current Gross Rate across IRR Buckets
Interest Accrued Gross Hist Fx Basis 681
Interest Accrued Net Hist Fx Basis 682
Interest Accrued Transfer Hist Fx Basis 683
Gap Runoff Net Rate 690 Sum Gap Runoff Balance Standard GAP Runoff * Current Net Rate across IRR Buckets
Gap Runoff Transfer Rate 700 Sum Gap Runoff Balance Standard GAP Runoff * Current Transfer Rate across IRR Buckets
Market Value 710 Sum Standard Present Value of Principal Cash Flows + Present Value of Interest Cash Flows
Option Market Value 711
Present Value of Principal Cash Flows 715 Sum Standard Discount Factor * Total Runoff
Present Value of Interest Cash Flows 716 Sum Standard Discount Factor * Interest Cashflow Net
Present Value of TP Interest Cash Flows 717 Sum Standard Discount Factor * Interest Cashflow Transfer Rate
Duration 720 Sum Standard (Discount Factor Term * Market Value)/ Total Market Value
DV01 721 Sum Standard (0.01 * Modified Duration) * Total Market Value) * 0.01
Modified Duration 725 Sum Standard Duration/(1+(YTM/Payment per year))
Convexity 730
Discount Rate FTP 755 At Last Standard
Federal Taxes 930 Sum Standard
Local Taxes 935 Sum Standard
Dividends 940 Sum Standard
Accumulated Translation Amount 950 At Last Standard (FE100 Ending Balance) * [(1/ Current Exchange rate) - (1/ Original Exchange Rate)]
Discount Rate LR 1490 At Last Standard (Discount Rate * Present value of the cashflows) output across Liquidity Buckets
Timing of Cash Flow 1491 Sum Standard Days to payment * Discount Rate * Present Value of the cashflows output against Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity GAP Runoff (1661 + 1663) 1660 Sum Standard Liquidity GAP Total Runoff + Liquidity GAP Deferred Runoff
Liquidity GAP Total Runoff 1661 Sum Standard Liquidity Prepayment Runoff + Liquidity Payment Runoff + Liquidity Maturity Runoff
Liquidity GAP Deferred Runoff 1663 Sum Standard Deferred Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity GAP Option Exercise Premium 1664
Liquidity Gap Inflation Adjustment to Principal 1665 Sum Standard Liquidity Index unadjusted Principal cash flow - Liquidity Index adjusted Principal cash flow
Liquidity prepayment Runoff 1666 Prepayment Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity Payment Runoff 1667 Payment Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity Maturity Runoff 1668 Maturity Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity Gap Inflation Adjustment to Interest 1669 Sum Standard Liquidity Index unadjusted Interest cash flow - Liquidity Index adjusted Interest cash flow
Liquidity GAP Runoff Term 1670 Daily Average Liquidity GAP Runoff Standard
Liquidity GAP Interest Cash Flow Gross 1671 Sum Standard Interest Cashflow Gross across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity GAP Interest Cash Flow Net 1672 Sum Standard Interest Cashflow Net across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity GAP Interest Cash Flow Transfer Rate 1673 Sum Standard Interest Cashflow Transfer Rate across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity GAP Accrued Interest Gross 1674 Accrual Standard Accrued Interest Gross across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity GAP Accrued Interest Net 1675 Accrual Standard Accrued Interest Net across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity GAP Accrued Interest Transfer Rate 1676 Accrual Standard Accrued Interest Transfer Rate across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity GAP Interest Credited 1677 Sum Standard Interest Credited across Liquidity BucketsThis is based on the "Interest Credited" Flag from Prod Characteristics.
Liquidity GAP Runoff Gross Rate 1678 Daily Average Liquidity GAP Runoff Standard

Liquidity GAP Runoff * (Current Gross Rate + Margin)

Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics

Liquidity GAP Runoff Net Rate 1679 Daily Average Liquidity GAP Runoff Standard Liquidity GAP Runoff * (Current Net Rate + Margin) Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Liquidity GAP Runoff Transfer Rate 1680 Daily Average Liquidity GAP Runoff Standard Liquidity GAP Runoff * (Current Transfer Rate + Margin)Forecasted Rate will be adjusted depending on the reprice characteristics
Liquidity Non Maturity – Core Runoff 1681 Non Maturity Core Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity Non Maturity – Volatile Runoff 1682 Non Maturity Volatile Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity Devolvement Runoff 1683 Devolvement Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity Recovery Runoff 1684 Recovery Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Liquidity Non Performing Asset Runoff 1685 Non Performing Asset Runoff across Liquidity Buckets
Present Value of Cashflows - Scenariowise 1710 Sum Standard Liquidity GAP PV of Principal Cash Flows + Liquidity GAP PV of Interest Cash Flows
Liquidity GAP PV of Principal Cash Flows 1715 Sum Standard Discount Factor * Total Liquidity GAP Principal Runoff
Liquidity GAP PV of Interest Cash Flows 1716 Sum Standard Discount Factor * Liquidity GAP Interest Cashflow
Liquidity GAP PV of TP Int Cash Flows 1717 Sum Standard Discount Factor * Liquidity GAP TP Interest Cashflow
Liquidity GAP Duration 1720 Sum Standard (Discount Factor * Liquidity GAP Market Value)/Liquidity GAP Total Market Value
Liquidity GAP DV01 1721 Sum Standard (0.01* Liquidity GAP Modified Duration) * Liquidity GAP Total Market Value) * 0.01
Liquidity GAP Modified Duration 1725 Sum Standard Liquidity GAP Duration/(1+YTM/Payment per year))


Discount Factor Term for Liquidity GAP Bucket is calculated as Diff between Cashflow Dates and Dynamic Bucket As of Date, expressed in years. 1If holiday calendar is enabled and payment dates get holiday adjusted, Number of Days in payment period will use holiday adjusted payment dates. Instruments, which are repricing more than once within a payment period, Accrued Interest, if provided as a download, are added to Interest cashflow calculated from as of the date (for more information, see Accrued Interest (ACCRUED_INTEREST).Accrued Interest, by definition, is Interest accrued from Last Payment Date till As of date, and is not used for FE 440 calculation. For these instruments First Daily Accrual, calculated on First Interest cashflow after as of date, is calculated as follows: First Daily Accrual = First Interest cash flow from as of the date (excluding Accrued Interest provided as download)/ Number of days from as of date till interest event date.

There is no change to Daily Accrual calculation on other interest event dates, after the first Daily Accrual calculation.