27 Glossary

Assumption Rules

This term refers to a family of Business Rules you use to create underlying assumptions to run Oracle Asset Liability Management (ALM) and Funds Transfer Pricing Processes.

Bulk Processing

OFSAA processing implemented with SQL Statements that affect multiple rows is identified as Bulk Processing. Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) uses bulk processing in situations where a large number of records are updated using a single SQL Statement. A single OFSAA process can use more than one bulk SQLStatement to complete the process. Bulk Processing is generally database bound.

Cash Flow Column

A Cash Flow column is an instrument table column in the OFSAA data model used for storing specific characteristics that dictate the cash payments and receipts for an account. Cash Flow columns are required for any OFSAA processing that needs to generate cash payment and receipt events for instrument accounts.

Functional Area

A Functional Area is a set of tables and processes used to satisfy a business or process requirement. Each of the functional areas identified in the Oracle Financial Services Cash Flow Engine Reference Guide is a set of tables used to implement a feature or business rule in OFSA. For example, the tables in the Leaves and Hierarchies' functional area are used to identify Leaf Nodes and Tree Rollups.

Instrument Table

Instrument tables in the OFSAA database contain account-level financial data.

Cash Flow Engine

The OFSAA Cash Flow Engines provide how additional value-added information is created within the database. Information is retrieved from the database and processed based upon assumptions specified by the user.

Key Leaf (Dimension) Column

A Key Leaf column is a special column used for categorizing data within the database. Leaf values are the lowest level of designation within a Chart of Accounts. For example, the Organizational Unit leaf column is provided with the initial installation of the OFSAA database. This column is used to categorize accounts by certain Organizational designations/locations within an institution. Accounts would be assigned (or would originate from) individual Organizational units. Each Organizational Unit would be represented by a leaf value for that column. Leaf values can be hierarchically organized using an OFSAA Hierarchy. The standard leaf columns provided with the initial installation are Financial Element, Organizational Unit, General Ledger Chart of Accounts, Product, and Common Chart of Accounts. Additional user-defined Key Leaf columns can be created if needed.


The LEDGER_STAT table is the data source for summary financial and statistical data used by OFSAA.


OFSAA is an abbreviation for Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications. OFSAA refers generically to the system that comprises the products in the Oracle Financial Services suite.

OFSAA Reserved table

OFSAA Reserved tables are provided with the installation of the database and cannot be customized or altered. Also, Oracle recommends that the data in these tables not be updated or changed outside of the OFSAA interface. To update or change the data in these tables outside of the OFSAA interface may cause OFSAA to function incorrectly.


A Product is one application of the OFSAA Suite. Each of the OFSAA Products provides a set of business functions. OFSAA is comprised of the following products:

  • Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (AAI)
  • Oracle Financial Services Asset Liability Management
  • Oracle Financial Services Asset Liability Management Analytics
  • Oracle Financial Services Balance Sheet Planning
  • Oracle Financial Services Funds Transfer Pricing
  • Oracle Financial Services Hedge Management and IFRS Valuations
  • Oracle Financial Services Pricing Management – Transfer Pricing Component
  • Oracle Financial Services Profitability Management
  • Oracle Financial Services Profitability Analytics

Portfolio Field

A Portfolio Field is a field that is common to all financial instruments.

Portfolio Instrument Table

A Portfolio Instrument is a table defined with all required instrument columns and all cash flow columns. By definition, all portfolio fields must be included in a Portfolio Instrument Table.

Row-by-row Processing

OFSAA processing implemented by evaluating one record at a time is identified as Row by Row Processing. OFSAA uses row by row processing for situations where several complex calculations are executed for each record. For example, OFSAA uses row by row processing when generating Cash Flows for individual accounts during Oracle ALM Processing. Row by row processing is generally OFSAA (memory) bound.


Hierarchies can be defined based on key leaf columns. For example, an Organizational Hierarchy showing the relationships of all Organizational Units and any summary nodes can be created for the Organizational Unit Leaf using the Hierarchy Management User Interface. OFSAA allows any number of Hierarchies to be created within the database.