Module Usage

Oracle ALM and Funds Transfer Pricing Cash Flow Methodologies reference PMT_CHG_FREQ when processing and calculating the current payment for negative amortization type accounts. This is relevant only for adjustable-rate accounts where AMRT_TYPE_CD = 600.


The PMT_CHG_FREQ is used to increment forward from the PMT_ADJUST_ DATE.
  • The Cash Flow Engine recalculates negatively amortizing payment amounts on a PMT_CHG_ FREQ. Just like a payment recalculation for a NEG_AMRT_LIMIT, a payment recalculation on the PMT_CHG_FREQ takes into account the effects of payment decrease/increase limits per period (PMT_DECR_CYCLE, PMT_INCR_CYCLE) and payment decrease/increase limits for the life of the record (PMT_DECR_ LIFE, PMT_INCR_LIFE). This provides for additional negative amortization to occur even after the PMT_CHG_FREQ event has recalculated the payment amount.