Module Usage

Oracle ALM

Oracle ALM does not reference the LAST_REPRICE_DATE field for either fixed or adjustable-rate records. All rate information in the Oracle ALM context is generated in the future from the AS_OF_DATE. CUR_NET_RATE, CUR_GROSS_RATE, and TRANSFER_RATE information from the detail record are referenced to obtain the rate information from the LAST_REPRICE_DATE.


In addition to REPRICE_FREQ, Oracle ALM also uses the ADJUSTABLE_TYPE_CD to determine if a record is adjustable.

Transfer Pricing

  1. For an adjustable-rate straight term transfer-priced record, Oracle Funds Transfer Pricing uses the LAST_REPRICE_DATE to identify the assignment date (TP Reference Date). The Interest Rate Code's reference date just before (or equal to) the record's LAST_REPRICE_DATE is used as the transfer pricing yield curve. For example, if the record's LAST_REPRICE_DATE = 1/15/2011 and the Rate Management Interest Rate Code (IRC) is defined at monthly intervals and only at month-end, the reference date would be 12/31/2010. The REPRICE_ FREQ is then matched to the same term on the Transfer Pricing Yield Curve (IRC) defined in Rate Management.
  2. For an adjustable-rate Cash Flow transfer-priced record, FTP Cash Flow Transfer Prices all payments that occur from the LAST_REPRICE_DATE to the NEXT_ REPRICE_DATE. In this case, the term and date as defined by these two fields are not used directly to define the transfer rate. They are the starting and ending points within which FTP applies Cash Flow Transfer Pricing.
  3. For fixed-rate records, the LAST_REPRICE_DATE and NEXT_REPRICE_DATE are not referenced. ORIGINATION_DATE and MATURITY_DATE are used instead.