Module Usage

NEXT_REPRICE_DATE defines the first forecasted repricing event from the AS_ OF_DATE.

Oracle ALM

In Oracle ALM the processing and use of NEXT_REPRICE_DATE are as follows:


If the record is defined as ADJUSTABLE_TYPE_CD = 250 and REPRICE_FREQ > 0, the cash flow engine references NEXT_REPRICE_DATE when calculating the first forecasted interest rate change.

If ADJUSTABLE_TYPE_CD = 30 or 50, the cash flow engine does not reference the NEXT_ REPRICE_DATE.

The Cash Flow Engine rolls forward from NEXT_REPRICE_DATE to define the record's remaining forecasted Reprice Dates. Rolling by the REPRICE_FREQ continues until MATURITY_DATE.

  1. In defining the customer rate, on each reprices date, the Cash Flow Engine matches the record's INTEREST_RATE_CD, the reprice date, and the REPRICE_FREQ to the appropriate term point on the forecasted Interest Rate Code (IRC) in the Forecast Rates assumption rule. To this derived rate, the cash flow engine adds the MARGIN (or MARGIN_ GROSS, if applicable) to arrive at the full note rate.


    The Cash Flow Engine then applies interest rate rounding and periodic/lifetime rate caps/floors. If the record's TEASER_END_DATE is less than or equal to the AS_OF_DATE, the cash flow engine applies the calculated forecasted rate to the record. Otherwise, it applies the defined teased rate.
  2. On a payment date, the forecasted rate derived on the repricing date is used for recalculating payment amounts.


    If the Process with Transfer Rates option has been selected in the ALM Deterministic Process under Calculation Elements, the Cash Flow Engine produces transfer rates by referring to the Transfer Pricing Rule attached to the ALM Process. No rounding, rate caps/floors, or tease checks are applied to the calculated transfer rate.

    Transfer Pricing

  3. NEXT_REPRICE_DATE is used by adjustable-rate straight term transfer-priced records when using the Remaining Term Pricing Basis. The AS_OF_DATE and NEXT_REPRICE_DATE define the term of the transfer pricing period. This term is matched to the relevant Interest Rate Code (IRC) in Rate Management to derive a transfer rate.
  4. Adjustable-Rate Cash Flow transfer-priced records use LAST_REPRICE_DATE and NEXT_REPRICE_DATE as the starting and ending points of the transfer-pricing period. To define all the payment events within this period, FTP rolls back from the NEXT_PAYMENT_DATE by the PMT_FREQ until just after the LAST_REPRICE_DATE. From this calculated payment date, FTP again rolls forward by the PMT_FREQ until just before the NEXT_ REPRICE_DATE. As FTP rolls forward, cash flows are produced. The Cash Flows produced are used by one of the four cash flow transfer pricing methodologies to derive the transfer rate.