Module Usage

Oracle ALM and Funds Transfer Pricing cash flow methodologies reference ORG_PAYMENT_AMT when referencing the payment amount at the time of the record's origination.

Oracle ALM

For User-Defined Payment Patterns with the payment method defined as % Original Payment, the cash flow engine uses the record's ORG_PAYMENT_AMT for all payments beyond the first forecasted one. The first forecasted one uses CUR_PAYMENT. For all other payment pattern payment methods, the cash flow engine uses the ORG_PAYMENT_ AMT.

Transfer Pricing

  • Cash Flow Transfer pricing methodologies for fixed-rate records use ORG_ PAYMENT_AMT as the payment amount for amortization purposes. For a fixed-rate record, the cash flow engine rolls forward from the ORIGINATION_DATE by PMT_ FREQ when defining payment dates up to the record's MATURITY_DATE. From origination, the cash flow engine amortizes the original balance (ORG_PAR_BAL) by the ORG_PAYMENT_AMT. The precise method of this amortization depends on the AMRT_TYPE_CD.
  • ORG_PAYMENT_AMT is also used if the User-Defined Payment Pattern payment method % Original Payment is designated.

Oracle ALM and Funds Transfer Pricing


ORG_PAYMENT_AMT is also used in determining if the NEG_AMRT_AMT is exceeding its defined limits. This is relevant only for adjustable-rate accounts where AMRT_TYPE_CD = 600.
  1. For negative amortization-type accounts, the cash flow engine uses ORG_ PAYMENT_AMT in determining whether a recalculated payment increase or decrease exceeds PMT_INCR_LIFE and PMT_DECR_LIFE.
  2. On a recalculation date caused by a NEG_AMRT_LIMIT or PMT_ADJUST_ DATE, the cash flow engine recalculates the payment amount to create a fully amortized record. After the recalculation, the cash flow engine references payment life increases/decreases fields (PMT_INCR_LIFE, PMT_DECR_LIFE). These fields limit the amount that the recalculated payment amount can change from the original payment amount (ORG_PAYMENT_AMT).

    For example, if PMT_INCR_LIFE = 25.00, the recalculated payment amount is not allowed to increase by more than 25% of the ORG_PAYMENT_AMT.