4.2.1 Pre-Populate the Supporting Result Files

There are four tables that get updated with the results of an ALM Processing Run. Two of them do not hold actual results, but rather the supporting information necessary to report off a Processing Run:

  • FSI_O_Result_Bucket: The FSI_O_Result_Bucket table is updated with all of the date bucket header information (that is start and end dates for all date buckets). This table is accessed in all date related reports.
  • FSI_O_Result_Header: The FSI_O_Result_Header table is updated with the names of all Assumption Rules that make up the Processing Run. The rule names can also be accessed when generating reports.

To Populate these tables for your Consolidated Results - ALM Processing Rule, you can set up an ALM Process with a single record and run it. The result is that both the FSI_ O_Result_Bucket and FSI_O_Result_Header tables are populated, as well as the results in FSI_O_Result_Master and Res_ Dtl_<Sys_ID_Num>. The results in FSI_O_Result_ Master and Res_Dtl_<Sys_ID_Num> are not accurate and must be replaced in Step Consolidate Results Data.