7.8.18 Reprice Steps

  1. Determine New IRC Value(s)
    The raw customer rate (Raw RateC) is determined from the set of forecasted IRC values contained in the Forecast Rates assumption rule chosen within the ALM Deterministic Process. Additionally, a new transfer rate (Transfer RateT) is derived if the Modeling with Transfer Rates option is used. The variables used to determine the transfer rates are:
    Raw RateC = ƒ(Rate set date, IRC, yield curve term)
    • Rate Set Date: The rate set date is the date from which the IRC value is taken. The date is determined as follows: Rate Set Date = Next Reprice Datem - Rate Lagr If the rate set date is less than the As of Date, the historical rate is retrieved from up to one year before the As of Date.
    • Yield Curve Term: If the IRC is a single point IRC (Prime, LIBOR), then the forecasted rate is used. If the IRC is a yield curve (for example, Treasury Yield Curve), the point on the yield curve equivalent to the repricing frequency is used. If no such point exists, straight line, cubic spline, or quartic spline interpolation is used to find the rate between the two nearest terms.

      Example: (straight-line interpolation):

      An instrument has a repricing frequency of 18 months, which does not exist on the yield curve. The two nearest points are the 12-month point and the 24-month point.

      The 18-month point is determined as follows:

      Table 7-13 Example of Straight-line Interpolation

      Term Rate
      12 Months 6.00%
      24 Months 9.00%

      Interpolated Rate = Rate(Begin) + (Rate(End) - Rate(Begin))*(Term(interpolated rate)-Term(Begin))/(Term(End)-Term(Begin))

      Rate(18 M) = 6.00% + (9.00%-6.00%) * (18 M - 12 M) / (24 M - 12 M) = 6.00% + 3.00% * (6 M) / (12 M) = 6.00% + 1.50% = 7.50%

  2. Add Applicable Margin to the Raw Customer Rate
    The margin of the customer is added to the raw customer rate.
    If IR Margin type code is Rate (code =0), then provided Margin, Margin Gross is used as-is. If IR Margin type code is Percent (code=1), Margin is provided as a percentage of Raw Rate C. Margin on reprice event is calculated as:
    MarginC = Margin % * Raw RateC
    If using the Modeling with Gross Rates option, the gross margin is used. Otherwise, repricing depends on the Net Margin Flag. If the Net Margin Flag is set to a floating net rate, the net margin is used. If the Net Margin Flag is set to a fixed net rate, no Repricing occurs.
    Raw RateC = Raw RateC + MarginC
  3. Update the Current Transfer Rate if Modeling Transfer Rates
    At this point, the current transfer rate (Current RateT) can be updated. Unlike the customer rates, no further adjustments are necessary.
    Current RateT = Raw RateT + marginT
  4. Apply Rounding Codes
    The raw customer rate is adjusted using the method defined by the rounding codes and to the precision specified by the rounding factor. If the rounding factor is set equal to zero, no rounding occurs.

    Table 7-14 Details of Rounding Codes

    Method Description  
    No Rounding Rate is not rounded 5.123% Example (Raw rate = 5.123; rounding factor = 0.01)
    Round-Up ate is rounded to the nearest value greater than the raw rate with the specified precision 5.1300%
    Round Down Rate is rounded to the nearest value less than the raw rate with the specified precision 5.1200%
    Truncate Rate is truncated to the whole value 5.0000%
    Round Nearest Rate is rounded to nearest value to the raw rate with the specified precision 5.1200%
  5. Apply Rate Change Minimum
    The Raw Customer Rate including margin is compared with the current customer rate (Current RateC). If the amount the current customer rate would change by is less than the rate change minimum then the rate does not change. Therefore, the raw customer rate is set equal to the current customer rate.

    Table 7-15 Raw Customer Rate

    Condition Absolute Value (Raw Rate - Current RateC) < Rate Change Minimum
    Adjustment if True Raw Rate = Current RateC
  6. Set the Value of fully Indexed Rate(s)
    The fully indexed rates are updated after rate change minimums and rounding codes are applied, and before caps and floors are applied to the raw rate.
    • If Model with Gross Rates is Yes (selected in Product Characteristics), then:
      • If Net Margin Code is 0 (Net Rate is constant Spread to Gross) Fully Indexed RateG = Raw RateC Fully Indexed RateN = Raw RateC – MarginG + MarginN
      • If Net Margin Code 1 (Net Rate is Fixed) Fully Indexed RateG = Raw RateC Fully Indexed RateN = Current RateN
    • If Model with Gross Rates is No (selected in Product Characteristics), then; Fully Indexed RateN = Raw RateC
  7. Calculate Tease effect Financial Elements for Instruments in a Tease Period
    For instruments in a tease period, determined by tease end date > current date in the modeling horizon, no adjustments are made to the current rate. However, the effect of the tease is recorded in two financial elements that are used at the next payment to calculate the income effect of the tease. On a tease record, the processing of a reprice event is complete at this point.

    Table 7-16 Financial Elements for Instruments in Tease Period

    Financial Element Calculation
    tease rate Fully Indexed RateC - Raw RateC
    tease balance Current Balancem
  8. Check Periodic Caps and Floors
    The customer rate cannot change by more than the amount specified by the periodic change limits (periodic floor and periodic cap). If the raw customer rate would effect a change to the current customer rate that exceeds the periodic change limitations, the current customer rate is adjusted only by the amount specified by the periodic change limit. If periodic limits are applied to the raw customer rate, then this adjustment occurred should be recorded in the periodic cap/floor financial elements.

    Table 7-17 Details of Periodic Caps and Floors

      Decreasing Rate Environment Increasing Rate Environment
    Condition Raw RateC < Current RateC and Current RateC - Raw RateC > Periodic floor Raw RateC > Current RateC and Raw RateC - Current RateC > Periodic cap
    Adjustment if True Raw RateC = Current RateC - Periodic floor Raw RateC = Current RateC + Periodic cap
  9. Check Lifetime Caps and Floors
    The customer rate cannot be greater than the lifetime cap or less than the lifetime floor. If the raw customer rate fails either of these conditions, the raw customer rate is set equal to the appropriate value.

    Table 7-18 Details of Updating Lifetime Caps and Floors

      Decreasing Rate Environment Increasing Rate Environment
    Condition Raw RateC < Rate Floor Life Raw RateC > Rate Cap Life
    Adjustment if True Raw RateC = Rate Floor Life Raw RateC = Rate Cap Life
  10. Update Current Rates

    Table 7-19 Details of updating Current Rates

    Customer Rate = Gross Rate Current RateG = Raw RateCCurrent RateN = Raw RateC - MarginG + MarginN Raw RateC > Rate Cap Life

    Customer Rate = Net Rate

    Current RateN = Raw RateC Raw RateC = Rate Cap Life
  11. Update Next Repricing Date
    The Next Reprice Date is rolled forward in pretension for the next repricing event. If the adjustable type code is Adjustable, the next reprice date is calculated as: Next reprice date = Current reprice date + reprice frequency If the adjustable type code is Floating or Variable, the next reprice date is set equal to the first date in the next modeling bucket.
  12. Trigger Payment Recalculation
    If the Amortization type is a Standard Conventional Amortization, the current payment on the Instrument Data is updated based on the new rate.