Result Master: Dimension Columns (Group By)

Table 4-4 Details of Dimension Columns of Result Detail table for Market Value Results

Column Description
ALM Product Dimension Your ALM product (or Chart of Accounts) dimension as specified in Application Preferences
Common Chart of Account dimension Your Common Chart of Account dimension
Organization Unit dimension If results are consolidated to the entity level, this may be irrelevant
Result Sys ID The unique identifier for process results. This identifier maps to a specific ALM Process rule
ISO Currency Code Currency in which results are held
Scenario Number Results are stored by scenario number
Start Date Index Start Date 0 = Cash Flow Information and > = 1 are used for Gap results, Market Value results, and Dynamic Start Dates
Financial Rollup A code indicating the financial account type of the line item
Leg Type Indicates the leg type of the instrument
Result Type Code Code describing the source of the record, current position, new business, or formula results. This column may be omitted in the group by statement if you do not want to maintain this distinction in your consolidated results.