Adding a new User Defined column as a Portfolio column

This section provides details on adding a new user defined column as a Portfolio column for use in all Instrument tables. Portfolio is available as a table selection in various modules including Infrastructure objects such as Filters and Expression rules. It is also available in application objects such as Profitability Management Allocation rules, and so on. To add a new user-defined column as a Portfolio column, use the following steps:
  1. Include the column in the PORTFOLIO super-type table in the Erwin Data Model to ensure that the column rolls down to all subtype tables.
  2. Complete incremental model upload to add the column to all subtype Portfolio tables.
  3. Manually insert a row into the Atomic schema REV_PROPERTY_COLUMNS table with TABLE_PROPERTY_CD = 40:
    For example, if your new column is APPLE_BRANCH_CD
    Data Element Filters created with custom columns will appear in Conditional Assumptions (within Funds Transfer Pricing) when properly registered. When creating a custom column in Instrument table(s)/Cash Flow related table(s), that is, those containing BASIC_INSTRUMENT_REQ/CASH_FLOW_PROC_REQ in the data model, the custom column must have one of the Domains listed as follows: BALANCE, CHAR,CODE, CODE_NUM, DATE, DESCRIPTION, FLAG, NUMBER, NUMERIC, RATE, SWITCH, VARCHAR2, CHAR_RANGE, PCT.