Deletion of Dimension Members used in a Hierarchy

There is an integrity check performed during dimension data loading to confirm if dimension members are included in a hierarchy definition. If they are included, these members should not be deleted from the dimension member pool. If dimension members are deleted or made inactive as part of the data load, the validation will return an error message, cannot delete a member that is used as part of a hierarchy.

If you wish to override this validation, an additional parameter can be passed to the Dimension Data Loader program(fn_drmDataLoader), for example: force_member_delete. The parameter can be set to Y or N. Inputting Y allows you to override the used in hierarchy dependency validation. Inputting N is the default behavior, which performs the validation check to confirm if members are used in a hierarchy or not.

Below is the function:

function fn_drmDataLoader(batch_run_id varchar2, as_of_date varchar2, pDimensionId varchar2, pSynchFlag char default 'Y', force_member_delete char default 'N')