5.1.1 Enhancements to Support Alphanumeric Code in Dimensions


Dimension Loaders and UIs support capturing an alphanumeric code in addition to the numeric code.

The following Data Model components are required to support dimension member code storage; changes in {6.0/7.3.0/7.3.1} are as follows:

  • Release 7.3.1: Dimension Configuration via manual updates to REV_DIMENSIONS_B columns: MEMBER_DATA_TYPE_CODE and MEMBER_CODE_COLUMN. (Also See: OFSAAI Installation & Configuration Guide 7.3 and AI Administration Guide)
  • Release 6.0 (7.3): Stage Dimension Interface Table alphanumeric member code column (v_< DIM >_code).
  • Release 6.0 (7.3): Stage Dimension Loader Program can directly load alphanumeric member codes
  • Release 6.1.1: Some new columns are added to Staging & Processor tables as a part of FSDF. These are not required by EPM applications and not part of the T2T or FSI_D tables.

For further details on display of member codes in the user interfaces, see the OFSAAI User Guide.