5.20.3 Exception Messages

Below are the list of error messages which can be viewed in view log from UI or FSI_MESSAGE_LOG table from back end filtering for the given batch id. On successful completion of each task messages gets into log table.

In the event of failure, following are the list of errors that may occur during the execution:

  • Exception 1: ALM GAP Limit Loader exited but no records were inserted into FSI table.

    All GAP limit bucket-sets in the STG table failed data quality checks and/or there was some internal error

  • Exception 2: Errors recorded in internal memory but could not be logged in FSI_MESSAGE_LOG. Exiting.

    Error messages could not be logged

  • Exception 3: Could not insert records into internal memory. It may be a count mismatch b/w consolidated_records and pk_iter.

    Internal processing of limit bucket-sets failed during execution, please contact support

  • Exception 4: No Records found in STG Table for As_Of_Date: <DATE>

    STG table had no records for the selected date of execution of utility

  • Exception 5: Error in prc_load_fsi_alm_gap_limits: <ERROR MESSAGE>

    Unexpected error in execution

  • Exception 6: Invalid Legal_Entity_Code: <CODE>

    Check if the legal entity code matches with valid legal entities in DIM_LEGAL_ENTITY_B (leaf nodes only and should be enabled)

  • Exception 7: Invalid Org_Unit_Code: <CODE>

    Check if the organisation unit code matches with valid codes in DIM_ORG_UNIT_B(leaf nodes only and should be enabled)

  • Exception 8: Invalid Currency: <CCY>

    Please ensure that the currency code for a bucket set is a valid ISO code

  • Exception 9: Invalid Currency_Type_Code: <CCY_Type>

    Check if the currency type is valid and present in FSI_CURRENCY_TYPE_MLS

  • Exception 10: Invalid Time_Bucket_Name: <BKT_NAME>

    Check if the bucket name provided matches valid entries in FSI_TIME_BUCKET_MASTER

  • Exception 11: Invalid Bucket_Number: <NUM> for Time_Bucket_Name: <BKT_NAME>

    Ensure bucket number in DIM_RESULT_BUCKET corrseponds to the bucket name of in the row; Names are case insensitive

  • Exception 12: Invalid Start_Date_Index<INDEX> for Time_Bucket_Name: <BKT_NAME>

    The start date index in FSI_LR_IRR_BUCKETS_AUX matches for the given bucket name

  • Exception 13: Invalid Forecast_Rate_Rule_Name: <FCST_RULE_NAME>

    Ensure the forecast rate rule applied corresponds to those present in FSI_M_OBJECT_DEFINITION_TL; Names are case insensitive

  • Exception 14: Invalid Scenario_Name: <SCEN_NAME> for Forecast_rate_rule_name: <FCST_RULE_NAME>

    The scenario applied should correspond to the forecast rate rule being applied

  • Exception 15: Invalid Repricing_GAP_Measure: <MEASURE>

    Repricing gap measure should be one of 'NET REPRICE GAP', 'CUMULATIVE REPRICE GAP'; case insensitive

  • Exception 16: Eff_End_Date[<DATE>] must be later than or same as AS_OF_DATE[<EXECUTION_DATE>]

    Execution date must always be less than the effective end date of a limit bucket-set

  • Exception 17: Eff_End_Date[<DATE>] must be later than Eff_Start_Date[<DATE>]

    The effective end date of a limit-bucket set must be later than its start date

  • Exception 18: Invalid Limit_Method: <LIMIT_METHOD>

    Bucket limit method must be one of 'ABSOLUTE' or 'RELATIVE'; case insensitive

  • Exception 19: GAP_Limits cannot be negative


  • Exception 20: GAP lwr_limit must be lesser than upr_limit


  • Exception 21: Bucket Continuity Constraint: Current bucket''s lower_limit must be previous bucket''s upper_limit+1


  • Exception 22: Bucket Limit_Method Mismatch: All buckets in a set must follow the first bucket''s limit method


  • Exception 23: For Limit Method: RELATIVE, first bucket''s lower_limit must be 0


  • Exception 24: For Limit Method: RELATIVE, last bucket''s upper_limit must be 100


  • Exception 25: For Limit Method: RELATIVE, lower_limit must be b/w [0,upper_limit)

    The lower limit of a bucket in a bucket-set must start from previous bucket's lower limit+1 or 0 if it is the first bucket in a bucket-set; the upper limit must be greater than lower limit or be exactly 100 if it is the last bucket in the set.

  • Exception 26: For Limit Method: RELATIVE, upper_limit must be b/w (lower_limit,100]

    The lower limit of a bucket in a bucket-set must start from previous bucket's lower limit+1 or 0 if it is the first bucket in a bucket-set; the upper limit must be greater than lower limit or be exactly 100 if it is the last bucket in the set.

  • Exception 27: Record will be rejected due to error(s) in row(s) indicated by Bkt_num(s): <BAD_BKT_NUMS>

    The row itself passes DQ data quality checks but will still be rejected due to errors elsewhere in its limit bucket-set

  • Exception 28: Error in Data Quality Validator : dq_validator.

    DQ validation function failed

  • Exception 29: Error in bulk_logging, erroroneous rows could not be recorded.

    Bulk logging of error messages to FSI_MESSAGE_LOG failed; transactions to FSI_* table will be rolled-back

  • Exception 30: No good records were found in the STG Table.

    All GAP limit bucket-sets in the STG table failed data quality checks

  • Exception 31: Error in target_insert_update: <ENGINE GENERATED ERROR MESSAGE>.

    Possible reason: Two or more exact same bucket sets with typographical differences are present(that is, one bucket has v_scenario_name = A_Lim_Bucket and another has v_scenario_name = a_lim_bucket). It is advisable to avoid stray spaces in strings and keep everything in all-caps

  • Exception 32: Error in target_insert_update

    Function for inserting good records to FSI_* table failed

  • Exception 33: Could not cleanup old records for batch run id: <BATCH_RUN_ID>

    Previous error messages in FSI_MESSAGE_LOG for the same BATCH_RUN_ID as run could not be deleted; The execution may have still gone through