5.21.3 Exception Messages

During the course of execution, certain exception messages are logged in FSI_MESSAGE_LOG. These can be viewed from the UI or from the back-end by filtering FSI_MESSAGE_LOG for the current ‘batch_run_id’. On successful completion of the task, a message indicating success is logged. In the event of execution failure or intermediate errors, messages from the following list can be logged:

  • Exception 1: Table '<INSTRUMENT_TABLE_NAME>' not found in current schema. This table will be ignored.

    The table may have been removed or currently does not exist in the schema

  • Exception 2: Error during inserting asset records from '<INSTRUMENT_TABLE_NAME>': <ENGINE_GENERATED_MESSAGE>. Table will be ignored.

    The columns types of the table may have changed or columns may have been removed

  • Exception 3: Error in utility/task ''ALM Material Currency Identification''. Please check if username is valid. In rare cases, it may be an internal DB error.

    The username provided either doesnot exist or the user's product dimension preference is not one of (PRODUCT, GENERAL_LEDGER, or COMMON COA). Very rarely it could be an internal mapping error

  • Exception 4: Error in utility/task ''ALM Material Currency Identification''; off-balance-sheet flag must be 'Y' or 'N'.

    Illegal user-input parameter

  • Exception 5: Error in utility/task ''ALM Material Currency Identification'' during insert/merge operation on '<ISNTRUMENT_TABLE_NAME>'. OPERATION ABORTED.

    Internal error during merging of liability records with asset records in the TMP_* table (TMP table stores intermediate records before final consolidation into the FCT_* table)

  • Exception 6: Error in utility/task ''ALM Material Currency Identification''; Please ensure that 1. material threshold is between [0,1]; 2. a valid comparison operator has been provided; 3. Reporting currency is a valid ISO code.

    Illegal user-input parameter(s)

  • Exception 7: Error in utility/task ''ALM Material Currency Identification''; Insert operation on FCT_ALM_SIGNIFICANT_CURRENCY failed, OPERATION ABORTED. Probable reason: foreign key violation in FCT_* table on column 'N_ENTITY_SKEY'.

    Internal error during insertion of final records in to the result table due to a Foreign Key Violation

  • Exception 8: Error in utility/task ''ALM Material Currency Identification''; Insert/Update operation on DIM_DATES failed; OPERATION ABORTED.

    Internal error because the chosen date of execution does not exist in an internal table of indexed dates and associated information (DIM_DATES)

  • Exception 9: Unhandled exception in utility ''ALM Material Currency Identification''; FCT_ALM_SIGNIFICANT_CURRENCY will be returned to its initial state. Error: <ENGINE_GENERATED_ERROR>

    Unexpected internal error during execution; it may be a primary key violation during insertion of records into the FCT_* table.

  • Exception 10: Could not cleanup old records for batch run id: <BATCH_RUN_ID>

    Previous error messages in FSI_MESSAGE_LOG for the same BATCH_RUN_ID as run could not be deleted; utility’s execution may have still gone through