5.18.3 Executing the Financial_Elem_Update Transformation

To execute the function from OFSAAI Information Command Center (ICC) frame work, create a batch by performing the following steps:


For a more comprehensive coverage of configuration and execution of a batch, see Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure User Guide.
  1. From the Home menu, select Operations, then select Batch Maintenance.
  2. Click New Batch (+) and enter the Batch Name and description.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Select the Batch you have created in the earlier step by clicking on the checkbox in the Batch Name container.
  5. Click New Task (+).
  6. Enter the Task ID and Description.Select Transform Data, from the components list.
  7. Select the following from the Dynamic Parameters List and then click Save:
    • Datastore Type: Select appropriate datastore from the list
    • Datastore Name: Select appropriate name from the list
    • IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    • Rule Name: Select Financial_Elem_Update from the list of all available transformations. (This is a seeded Data Transformation which is installed as part of the OFSAA BI applications installers. If you don't see this in the list, contact Oracle support)
    • Parameter List: OFSAAI Application User Name (See the following for details on Parameter list).
    • Application User Name: This is the OFSAAI application user name which the transformation uses for inserting in DIM_FINANCIAL_ELEMENT table.Sample parameter for this task is 'APPUSER'
  8. Execute the batch.
    The function can also be executed directly on the database through SQLPLUS. Details are:
    • Function Name : fn_dim_financial_elem_update
    • Parameters : pBatch_Id, pas_of_date, appuser_name
    • Sample parameter values : 'Batch1','20091231', 'APPUSER'