4.1.3 Executing the Reverse Population Function

You can execute this function from either within a PL/SQL block or from Batch Maintenance window within OFSAAI framework.
  1. Members Reverse Population Function
    To run the function with a PL/SQL block, execute following:
    fsi_batchMemberLoad(batch_run_id varchar2, mis_date varchar2, pDimensionId varchar2, pMemberId varchar2, pMode varchar2)
    where BATCH_RUN_ID is any string to identify the executed batch.
    MIS_DATE in the format YYYYMMDD.
    pDIMENSIONID is the dimension id.
    pMEMBERID can be null. If value is provided, only that member id gets reverse populated.If pMode value is 1, it means fresh insert, if value is 2 means update, and if value is 3 means delete. In batch mode, you can prefer to use 2.
    For Example:
    Declare num number;Begin num := fsi_batchmemberload ('INFODOM_20100405','20100405',1,null,2);End;
  2. To execute the procedure from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, create a new Batch with the Task as TRANSFORM DATA and specify the following parameters for the task:
    Datastore Type: Select appropriate datastore from list
    Datastore Name: Select appropriate name from the list
    IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    Rule Name: Batch_Member_Load
    Parameter List: Dimension ID, Member id, pMode
  3. Hierarchy Reverse Population
    Function fsi_batchhierarchyload(batch_run_id varchar2, mis_date varchar2, pDimensionId varchar2, pHierarchyId varchar2, pMode varchar2)
    where BATCH_RUN_ID is any string to identify the executed batch.
    MIS_DATE in the format YYYYMMDD.pDIMENSIONID is the dimension id.pHIERARCHYID can be null.
    If value is provided, only that Hierarchy gets reverse populated.If pMode value is 1, it means fresh insert, if value is 2 means update, and if value is 3 means delete. In batch mode, you can prefer to use 2.
    For Example:
    Declare num number;Begin num := fsi_batchhierarchyload('INFODOM_20100405','20100405' ,1,null,2);End;
  4. To execute the procedure from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, create a new Batch with the Task as TRANSFORM DATA and specify the following parameters for the task:
    Datastore Type: Select appropriate datastore from list
    Datastore Name: Select appropriate name from the list
    IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    Rule Name: Batch_Hier_Load
    Parameter List: Dimension ID, Hierarchy id, pMode


    The reverse population fsi_batchMemberLoad and fsi_batchHierarchyLoad should be executed after fn_drmdataloader. The fsi_batchMemberLoad reverse populates the members and the fsi_batchHierarchyLoad reverse populates the hierarchies to the legacy structures.fn_drm


    DataLoader supports 15 + level and any hierarchy with greater than 15 level cannot be used in ALM/PFT/FTP process. fsi_batchHierarchyLoad does not support 15 + level, however, this method will work in case of 15+ level hierarchies; it will only skip such hierarchies, with a suitable message in the log table(s). The Hierarchy greater than 15 level are not supported within ALM/FTP/PFT/HM processes, OFSA_IDT_ROLLUP will not be populated, however nothing prevents the EPM application UIs from rendering 15+ level hierarchies .rev_batchHierFlatten supports a maximum of 20 levels including leaf.