5.2.3 Executing the Simple Dimension Load Procedure

There are two ways to execute the simple dimension load procedure: Running Procedure Using SQL*Plus and Simple Dimension Load Procedure Using OFSAAI Batch Maintenance.
  1. To run the procedure from SQL*Plus, login to SQL*Plus as the Schema Owner:
    function fn_simpledimloader(batch_run_id VARCHAR2, as_of_date VARCHAR2, pdimensionid VARCHAR2,pMisDateReqFlag char default 'Y', psynchflag CHAR DEFAULT 'N') SQLPLUS > declareresult number;beginresult := fn_simpledimloader ('SimpleDIIM_BATCH1','20121212','730','N','Y');end;/
    BATCH_RUN_ID is any string to identify the executed batch.
    AS_OF_DATE is in the format YYYYMMDD.
    pDIMENSIONID is the dimension ID.
    pSynchFlag this parameter is used to identify if a complete synchronization of data between staging and dimension table is required. The default value is 'Y'.
    pMisDateReqFlag : Filter will be placed on the input stage table to select only the records which falls on the given as_of_date. Default value is Y. If complete stage table data needs to be considered, then it should be passed 'N'.


    With Synch flag N, data is moved from Stage to Dimension tables. Here, an appending process happens. You can provide a combination of new Dimension records plus the data that has undergone change. New records are inserted and the changed data is updated into the Dimension table. With Synch flag Y, the Stage table data will completely replace the Dimension table data.
  2. To execute Simple Dimension Loader from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, a seeded Batch is provided.
    The batch parameters are:
    Datastore Type: Select the appropriate datastore from list
    Datastore Name: Select the appropriate name from the list
    IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    Rule Name: fn_simpledimloader
    Parameter : 'Pass the dimension id for which DT needs to be executed, psynchflag'
    For example, '730,N,Y


    In case of FSI_ACCOUNT_OFFICER_CD query:SELECT dimension_id FROM rev_dimensions_b where member_b_table_name = 'FSI_ACCOUNT_OFFICER_CD'Pass the dimension_id.
    Psynchflag: By default it is N, data is moved from Stage to Dimension tables. Here, an appending process happens. You can provide a combination of new Dimension records plus the data that has undergone change. New records are inserted and the changed data is updated into the Dimension table. With Synch flag 'Y', the Stage table data will completely replace the Dimension table data.