5.3.4 Re-Load Of Historical Rates

The T2T component can only perform Insert operations. In case the user needs to perform updates, previously loaded records should be deleted before loading the current records. Function fn_deleteFusionTables is used for deleting the records in the target that are present in the source. This function removes rows in the table if there are matching rows in the Stage table. This function requires entries in the FSI_DELETE_TABLES_SETUP table to be configured. Configure the following table for all columns that need to be part of the join between the Stage table and Equivalent table.

Users can create new or use existing Data Transformations for deleting a Table. The parameters for the Data Transformation are:

  • 'Table to be deleted'
  • Batch run ID
  • As of Date
Column Name Column Description Sample Value
STAGE_TABLE_NAME Stores the source table name for forming the join statement STG_LOAN_CONTRACTS
STAGE_COLUMN_NAME Stores the source column name for forming the join statement V_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
FUSION_TABLE_NAME Stores the target table name for forming the join statement FSI_D_LOAN_CONTRACTS
FUSION_COLUMN_NAME Stores the target column name for forming the join statement ACCOUNT_NUMBER


Insert rows in FSI_DELETE_TABLES_SETUP for all columns that can be used to join the stage with the equivalent table. In case if the join requires other dimension or code tables, a view can be created joining the source table with the respective code tables and this view can be part of the above setup table.