5.1.3 Populating STG_<DIMENSION>_HIER_INTF Table

The STG_<DIMENSION>_HIER_INTF table is designed to hold hierarchy structure. The hierarchy structure is maintained by storing the parent child relationship in the table. In the following hierarchy there are 4 levels. The first level node is 100, which is the Total Rollup. The Total Rollup node will have the N_PARENT_DISPLAY_CODE and N_CHILD_DISPLAY_CODE as the same.

Column Name Column Description
V_HIERARCHY_OBJECT_NAME Stores the name of the hierarchy
N_PARENT_DISPLAY_CODE Stores the parent Display Code
N_CHILD_DISPLAY_CODE Stores the child Display Code
N_DISPLAY_ORDER_NUM Determines the order in which the structure (nodes, leaves) of the hierarchy should be displayed. This is used by the UI while displaying the hierarchy. There is no validation to check if the values in the column are in proper sequence.
V_CREATED_BY Stores the created by user. Hard coded as -1
V_LAST_MODIFIED_BY Stores the last modified by user. Hard coded as -1

Hierarchy Structure

Table 5-1 Simple Data

INCOME STMT 100 100 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 100 1.23E+13 2 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 1.23E+13 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 10001 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 10002 2 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 1.23E+13 2 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 10006 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 10007 2 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 100 1.23E+13 3 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 1.23E+13 2 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 30005 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 1.23E+13 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 30006 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 30007 2 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 30008 3 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 30009 4 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 100 1.23E+13 4 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 1.23E+13 3912228 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 3912228 20020 1 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 3912228 20021 2 -1 -1
INCOME STMT 3912228 20022 3 -1 -1


In release 7.3.1: With the introduction of alphanumeric support, REV_DIMENSIONS_B.MEMBER_CODE_COLUMN column becomes important for successful execution of the dimension loader program and subsequent T2Ts. The value in this column should be a valid code column from the relevant DIM_<DIMENSION>_B (key dimension) or FSI_<DIM>_CD (simple dimension) table. The Leaf_registration procedure populates this column. The value provided to the Leaf registration procedure should be the correct DIM_<DIM>_B.<DIM>_CODE or C_DISPLAY_CD column. Setting this will ensure that the values in this column are displayed for both numeric and alphanumeric dimensions as Alphanumeric Code in the UI. Configuration of an alphanumeric dimension also requires manual update of the REV_DIMENSIONS_B. MEMBER_DATA_TYPE_CODE column.

For more information, see OFSAAI Installation and Configuration Guide.