The REV_DIMENSIONS_B table holds the following target table information:

The target FSI_<DIM>_CD/MLS table can be retrieved from REV_DIMENSIONS_B table as follows:

  • dimension_id: Holds the id of the simple dimension that needs to be loaded.
  • member_b_table_name: Holds the name of the FSI_<DIM>_CD target table. For example, FSI_ACCOUNT_OFFICER_CD
  • member_tl_table_name: Holds the name of the FSI_<DIM>_MLS table name. For example, FSI_ACCOUNT_OFFICER_MLS
  • member_col: Holds the Column Name for which Surrogate needs to be generated. For example, ACCOUNT_OFFICER_CD
  • member_code_column: Holds the Name of the joining column name from FSI_<DIM>_CD Display code column. For example, ACCOUNT_OFFICER_DISPLAY_CD
  • key_dimension_flag: N
  • dimension_editable_flag: Y
  • write_flag: Y
  • simple_dimension_flag: Y