3.5.2 Setting Column Properties

'Processing Key' is a column level User Defined Property (UDP) in ERwin model.

This property can have two values – Yes or No. 'Processing Key' property needs to be set for all the primary key columns of the lookup table.

That means, this property needs to be set for all columns of the Lookup table except the Return type columns.

'Balance Range' is a column level User Defined Property (UDP) in ERwin model. This property can have two values – Yes or No. Balance Range property needs to be set for the columns that can have range values in the lookup. The following are the steps for setting the above properties:
  1. Open the ERwin model in ERwin Data Modeler tool.
  2. Go to the Subject Area where lookup table was created.
  3. Choose the table and open the columns of the table.
  4. Go to UDP tab within the column properties for each column.
  5. Specify the value for the required user defined properties.
    UDP_LOOKUP_RANGE_MINIMUM is a column level User Defined Property (UDP) in ERwin model. This property can have two values – Yes or No. UDP_LOOKUP_RANGE_MINIMUM property needs to be set for the columns that can have minimum values for a range in the lookup. UDP_LOOKUP_RANGE_MAXIMUM is a column level User Defined Property (UDP) in ERwinModel. This property can have two values – Yes or No. UDP_LOOKUP_RANGE_MAXIMUM property needs to be set for the columns that can have maximum values for a range in the lookup.
    We do not need to set any other properties corresponding to the other column types viz. the Exact Match or the Hierarchy Match column types, as these column properties are to be set from the Lookup Table Driver definition screen.
  6. Save the model.