3.6.3 Setting Table Classifications

Table Classifications can be set for any Client Data Object. Table classification set against each Client Data Object is validated through Object Registration Validation process.

The following are the steps involved in setting table classification properties for the custom Ledger Class table:
  1. Choose Physical View within the ERwin model.
  2. Go to UDP tab within Table Properties window.
  3. Specify 'Yes' for 'Ledger Class ' user defined property.
    Once the model is prepared using the above steps, user should upload the ERwin model. After uploading the model, user can check if the custom Ledger Class has been created in the schema with columns from super-class entities that have been linked to the custom Ledger Class table as well as the columns present in the custom Ledger Class table. Model upload also creates metadata entries within the following Object Registration tables:
    • REV_TABLES_B: Contains the list of table names.
    • REV_TABLES_TL: contains the list of table display names and descriptions in various languages.
    • REV_TAB_COLUMNS: contains the list of column names
    • REV_TAB_COLUMNS_MLS: contains the list of column display names and descriptions in various languages.
    • REV_COLUMN_PROPERTIES: stores the column properties associated with each column.
    • REV_TABLE_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT: stores the table classification associated with each table.
      • In case custom Ledger Class table contains the column in the same name as that of the super-class table, then column present in the custom Ledger Class table will take precedence over the equivalent column of the super-class table.
      • Physical order of the columns within the custom Ledger Class table is determined in the following way:
      • Columns present in the custom Ledger Class table.Columns present in each of the linked super-class table.
    Within any table, ERwin maintains three different column orders:Logical Order: Order of the columns as seen in Logical view of the model.
    • Physical Order: Order of the columns as seen in Physical view of the model.
    • Database Order: Order of the columns as seen in the Database schema.