5.1.8 Updating DIM_<DIMENSION>_B <Dimension>_Code column with values from DIM_<DIMENSION>_ATTR table

The stage dimension loader procedure does not insert or update the <Dimension>_code column in the Dim_<Dimension>_B table. This is an alternate method for updating the < Dimension>_Code column in the Dim_< Dimension>_B table, retained to accommodate implementations prior to the enhancement where we enable loading the code directly to the dimension table instead of from the attribute table. It is not recommended for new installations. This section explains how the <Dimension>_code can be updated.
  1. A new attribute should be created in the REV_DIM_ATTRIBUTES_B / TL table.


    You should use the existing CODE attribute for the seeded dimensions. PRODUCT CODE, COMMON COA CODE, and so on.
  2. The fsi_dim_attribute_map table should be populated with values.
    The following columns must be populated:
    N_DIMENSION_ID (Dimension id)
    V_ATTRIBUTE_NAME (The attribute name)
    V_UPDATE_B_CODE_FLAG (This flag should be 'Y').
    Any given dimension can have only one attribute with V_UPDATE_B_CODE_FLAG as 'Y'. This should only be specified for the CODE attribute for that dimension.


    The values in V_STG_TABLE_NAME and V_STG_COLUMN_NAME are not used by the fn_updateDimensionCode procedure, however these fields are set to NOT NULL and should be populated.
  3. Load STG_<DIMENSION>_ATTR_INTF table with data for the new ATTRIBUTE created.
    The attribute values must first be loaded using the stage dimension loader procedure, fn_drmDataLoader, before running this procedure. This procedure will pull values from the DIM_<DIMENSION>_ATTR table. If these rows do not exist for these members prior to running this procedure, the DIM_<DIMENSION>_B.<DIMENSION>_CODE field will not be updated.
    Execute the fn_updateDimensionCode function. The function updates the code column with values from the DIM_<DIMENSION>_ATTR table.
  4. You can execute this procedure either from SQL*Plus or from within a PL/SQL block or from the Batch Maintenance window within OFSAAI framework.
    To run the procedure from SQL*Plus, login to SQL*Plus as the Atomic Schema Owner. The function requires 3 parameters: Batch Run Identifier , As of Date, Dimension Identifier.
    The syntax for calling the procedure is:
    function fn_updateDimensionCode (batch_run_id varchar2, as_of_date varchar2, pDimensionId varchar2)
    BATCH_RUN_ID is any string to identify the executed batch.
    AS_OF_DATE in the format YYYYMMDD.
    pDIMENSIONID dimension id
    For Example
    Declare num number;Begin num := fn_updateDimensionCode ('INFODOM_20100405','20100405',1 );End;
    You need to populate a row in FSI_DIM_LOADER_SETUP_DETAILS.
    For example, for FINANCIAL ELEM CODE, to insert a row into FSI_DIM_LOADER_SETUP_DETAILS, following is the syntax:
  5. To execute the procedure from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, create a new Batch with the Task as TRANSFORM DATA and specify the following parameters for the task:
    Datastore Type: Select appropriate datastore from list
    Datastore Name: Select appropriate name from the list
    IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    Rule Name: Update_Dimension_Code
    Parameter List: Dimension ID