3.7.1 User-Assignable Table Classification

User-Assignable Table Classifications are those that can be assigned by the administrator to user-defined and client data objects, including the OFSAAI Instrument tables. These Table Classifications identify processing and reporting functions for the OFSAA. Some of these Table Classifications have requirements that must be met in order for the classification to be assigned to a table or view.

All User-Assignable Table Classifications are available for assignment within the ERwin model. The following table lists the User-Assignable Table Classifications:

Table 3-1 User-Assignable Table Classifications

Code Table Classification Name
20 Instrument
50 Ledger Stat
100 Portfolio
200 TP Cash Flow
210 TP Non-Cash Flow
295 Codes User Defined (base tbl)
296 MLS Descriptions User Defined
300 Transaction Profitability
310 Instrument Profitability
320 User Defined
330 Data Correction Processing
360 RM Standard
370 TP Option Costing
500 PA Lookup Tables
600 Derivative Instruments
530 Break Funding
197 MLS Descriptions Reserved
198 Codes Reserved (base tbl)
21 Insurance Policy UDP
40 Portfolio Supertype UDP
301 Insurance Transaction Profitability UDP
311 Insurance Policy Profitability UDP
351 Insurance Profitability - Other Class UDP
702 Processing - EPM Prepayment UDP