3.8.1 User-Defined Properties

The following are the user-defined properties that are available for identifying columns required for alternate rate output:

  • Transfer Pricing Output (Column Property – 80)
  • Option Cost Output (Column Property – 81)
  • Other Adj Spread Output (Column Property – 82)
  • Other Adj Amount Output (Column Property – 83)
  • Economic Value Output (Column Property – 86)
  • Liquidity_rate_column (Column Property – 95)
  • Liquidity_amount_column (Column Property – 96)
  • Basis_rate_column (olumn Property – 97)
  • Basis_amount_column (Column Property – 98)
  • Pricing_rate_column (Column Property – 99)
  • Pricing_amount_column (Column Property – 100)

User needs to assign one of the above properties to the columns that need to be used as Alternate Rate Output columns within the Fund Transfer Pricing application.

The following are the steps to set the user-defined property to the column:

  1. Open the ERwin file in ERwin Data Modeler tool.
  2. Go to Main Subject Area.
  3. Go to Physical View.
  4. Choose the entity that contains the alternate rate output column. This entity can also be a super-type (like TP_BASIC_REQ).
  5. Select the column and open the column properties for the column.
  6. Go to UDP tab within column properties.
  7. Select YES for one of the above user-defined properties.
  8. Save the model.


Setting the user-defined property of the columns within a super-type entity will apply to all the entities that are related to the super-type.