3.9 User Defined Properties

User Defined Properties are set for tables and columns within ERwin.

Table Level User Defined Properties

The following user defined properties can be set for the table:

UDP Name Description List of values
Instrument Property to identify if the table is classified as a basic instrument table. (that is, Instrument table classification code 20) YES / NO
TP Cash Flow Property to identify if the table is classified as 'TP Cash Flow' for the purpose of generating Transfer Pricing rates using cash flow methods. YES / NO
TP Non Cash Flow Property to identify if the table is classified as 'TP Non-Cash Flow' for the purpose of generating Transfer Pricing rates using non cash flow methods. YES / NO
Transaction Profitability Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Transaction' for the purpose of executing allocation rules. YES / NO
Portfolio Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Portfolio'. YES / NO
User Defined Property to identify if the table is classified as 'User Defined' table for storing multi-lingual descriptions for codes. YES / NO
Ledger Stat Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Ledger Stat' for the purpose of executing allocation rules. YES / NO
ALM Standard Property to identify if the table is classified as 'ALM Standard' for the purpose of executing ALM cash flow engine to generate cash flows. YES / NO
TP Option Costing Property to identify if the table is classified as 'TP Option Costing' for the purpose of generating Transfer Pricing rates with option costing. YES / NO
Break Funding Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Break Funding' for the purpose of generating Break funding charges using Transfer Pricing engine. YES / NO
MLS Descriptions Reserved Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Reserved' table for storing multi-lingual descriptions for codes. YES / NO
Codes Reserved (base tbl) Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Reserved' table for storing codes of simple dimensions. YES / NO
Codes User Defined (base tbl) Property to identify if the table is classified as 'User-defined' table for storing codes of simple dimensions. YES / NO
PA Lookup Tables Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Lookup Table' for the purpose of defining lookup table allocation rules. YES / NO
Instrument Profitability Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Instrument' for the purpose of executing allocation rules. YES / NO
Derivative Instruments Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Derivatives' for the purpose of executing ALM cash flow engine to generate cash flows for derivative instruments. YES / NO
Data Correction Processing Property to identify if the table is classified as 'Data Correction Processing' for the purpose of executing Cash Flow Edits engine. YES / NO

Column Level User Defined Properties

The following user defined properties can be set for the column:

UDP Name Description List of values
Balance Range Property to identify if the column within a table classified as 'PA Lookup Table' must be displayed under 'Range' within Lookup table definition. YES / NO
Balance Property to identify if the column is of type 'Balance'. YES / NO
Standard Rate Property to identify if the column is of type 'Standard Rate'. YES / NO
Balance Weighted Object Property to identify if the column is of type 'Balance Weighted Object'. YES / NO
Processing Key Property to identify if this column is used as a 'Processing Key' within the instrument, transaction and ledger_stat table. YES / NO
Frequency Multiplier Property to identify if the column is used to store 'Frequency'. This property is used in Filters UI within OFSAAI. YES / NO
Multiplier Related Field Property to specify the name of the column that is used to store the multiplier for the corresponding 'Frequency' column. This property is used in Filters UI within OFSAAI. Text
Related Field Property to specify the name of the column that is used to store the multiplier for the corresponding 'Term' column. This property is used in Filters UI within OFSAAI. Text
Term Multiplier Property to identify if the column is used to store 'Term'. This property is used in Filters UI within OFSAAI. YES / NO
Column Alias Property to specify an alias for the column. This is used within the staging loader program for loading LEDGER_STAT table. Text
Statistic Property to identify if the column is of type 'Statistic'. YES / NO
Transfer Pricing Output Property to identify if the column must be set as an alternate output column for writing transfer rates by transfer pricing engine. YES / NO
Option Cost Output Property to identify if the column must be set as an alternate output column for writing option costing output by transfer pricing engine. YES / NO
Other Adj Spread Output Property to identify if the column must be set as an alternate output column for writing other adjustment spread by transfer pricing engine. YES / NO
Other Adj Amount Output Property to identify if the column must be set as an alternate output column for writing other adjustment amount by transfer pricing engine. YES / NO
UDP_LOOKUP_RANGE_MINIMUM Property to identify minimum range column within a table classified as 'PA Lookup Table'. YES / NO
UDP_LOOKUP_RANGE_MAXIMUM Property to identify maximum range column within a table classified as 'PA Lookup Table'. YES / NO
UDP_EXPORT_PFT_OUTPUT Property to identify PFT Output Columns in instrument tables and FSI_D_INST_SUMMARY table. YES / NO
UDP_EXPORT_FTP_OUTPUT Property to identify FTP Output Columns in instrument tables and FSI_D_INST_SUMMARY table YES / NO
UDP_EXPORT_FTP_OTHERS Property to identify columns used by FTP in instrument tables and FSI_D_INST_SUMMARY table YES / NO
UDP_EXPORT_EPM_KEY_DIMS Property to identify EPM Key Processing dimension columns in instrument tables and FSI_D_INST_SUMMARY table. YES / NO
UDP_EXPORT_EPM_KEY_COLUMNS Property to identify mandatory key columns for EPM in instrument tables and FSI_D_INST_SUMMARY table. YES / NO
UDP_EXPORT_EPM_OTHERS Property to identify other columns for EPM in instrument tables and FSI_D_INST_SUMMARY table. YES / NO