Defining Forecast Balances Using Node Level Assumptions

Node Level Assumptions allow you to define assumptions at any level of the Multi Dimensional Balance Sheet Structure (MDBSS) hierarchy. The MDBSS supports a hierarchical representation of your chart of accounts, so you can take advantage of the parent-child relationships defined for the various nodes of your MDBSS hierarchies while defining rules. Children of parent nodes on an MDBSS automatically inherit the assumptions defined for the parent nodes. However, assumptions directly defined for a child take precedence over those at the parent level.


Performing basic steps for creating or editing a Forecast Balance Rule.


To define Forecast Balance, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Forecast Balance page.

    Figure 4-112 Forecast Balance Page

    Forecast Balance Page

  2. Select Forecast Balance Method.
  3. Enter Balance values for Buckets.
  4. Click Apply.

You can also use the Excel Export feature to download the data in Excel format.