Common filters

You can use a series of Report Prompts to filter the data according to Functional Key Attributes as described below:

Figure 6-122 Canvas Prompt Filters for Time Dimension

Canvas Prompt Filters for Time Dimension

  • As of Date: The Execution Period for the output results. You can use this filter to isolate a selected timeframe for the analysis. The following screenshot displays the possible options that this filter provides against the Time Dimension.

    Figure 6-123 As of Date Selection

    As of Date Selection

  • Additional Filters for the Time Dimension as follows:
    • As of Date (Quarter)
    • As of Date (Month)
    • As of Date (Day)

    Figure 6-124 Canvas Prompt Filters for Liquidity Rate Risk Output Process execution data

    Canvas Prompt Filters for Liquidity Rate Risk Output Process execution data

  • Consolidation Flag: You can use this filter to select a specific Consolidation Flag Name to be applied to the Liquidity Rate Risk Process execution data. The Default value of this filter is set to N.
  • Currency Code: You can use this filter to select a specific Currency Name to be applied to the Liquidity Rate Risk Process execution data.
  • Bucket Name: You can use this filter to select a specific Bucket Name to be applied to the Liquidity Rate Risk Process execution data. Bucket Name is a concatenation of Bucket number along with Bucket Start date and Bucket End date.
  • Bucket Number: You can use this filter to select a specific Bucket Number to be applied to the Liquidity Rate Risk Process execution data. Bucket Number is a range filter, the default range for this filter is < 5.
  • Account Type Category: You can use this filter to select a specific Account Type Category to be applied to the Liquidity Rate Risk Process execution data.

    Figure 6-125 Canvas Prompt Filters for Legal Entity key processing dimension

    Canvas Prompt Filters for Legal Entity key processing dimension

  • LE Hierarchy Name: Select the Legal Entity hierarchy that you want to use to analyze the reports.
  • Legal Entity Leaf Name: From the selected Legal Entity hierarchy, you can use this filter to select the Legal Entity Member to view reports.

    Figure 6-126 Canvas Prompt Filters for Org Unit key processing dimension

    Canvas Prompt Filters for Org Unit key processing dimension

  • Org Hierarchy Name: Select the Organization Unit hierarchy that you want to use to analyze the reports.
  • Org Unit Leaf Name: From the selected Organization Unit hierarchy, you can use this filter to select the Organization Unit Member to view reports.

    Figure 6-127 Canvas Prompt Filters for Product key processing dimension

    Canvas Prompt Filters for Product key processing dimension

  • Prod Hierarchy Name: Select the Product hierarchy that you want to use to analyze the reports.
  • Prod Leaf Name: From the selected Product hierarchy, you can use this filter to select the Product Member to view reports.

    Figure 6-128 Canvas Prompt Filters for GL Account key processing dimension

    Canvas Prompt Filters for GL Account key processing dimension

  • GL Account Hierarchy Name: Select the General Ledger (GL) hierarchy that you want to use to analyze the reports.
  • GL Account Leaf Name: From the selected GL hierarchy, you can use this filter to select the GL Member to view reports.

    Figure 6-129 Canvas Prompt Filters for Common COA key processing dimension

    Canvas Prompt Filters for Common COA key processing dimension

  • Common COA Hierarchy Name: Select the Common Chart of Accounts (COA) hierarchy that you want to use to analyze the reports.
  • Common COA Leaf Name: From the selected COA hierarchy, you can use this filter to select the Common COA Member to view reports.