Report Data Action

The Data Actions provide the capability to perform drill down analysis across the downstream report canvases. The drill down is enabled via a data action.

From “Rules” and “Process Stats” report canvases charts, you can select a combination of values, and then perform the navigation to the “message Log” report canvas.

In order to do so, with a right click on the chart selection, the data action options will appear for you to be able to navigate further as described in the following mapping:

  • Navigate to Message Log – the Data Action will be drilling through the “Message Log” canvas.

The following screenshots show the Data Action list as well as the navigation options that appears once you right click on the desired selection.

Figure 6-103 Data Action configuration

Data Action configuration

Figure 6-104 Data Action for Drill down with report Canvases

Data Action for Drill down with report Canvases