4.9 ALM Output Export

This module discusses the procedure to download the ALM Output details. When you download the data, it moves to Object Store. To export the ALM Output, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Operations and Processes, and then select Scheduler.
  2. Select Define Batch. Create a new batch by entering Code, Name and Description.
  3. Save the batch.
  4. Navigate to Define Task. Select the Batch created above from the Batch drop-down list.
  5. Click the Add button from Actions drop-down.
  6. Enter the following details in the Task Details section:
    • Task Code: Enter a code for the task.
    • Task Name: Enter name for the task.
    The Task Name must be alphanumeric and must not start with a number. The Task Name must not exceed 60 characters in length. The Task Name must not contain any special characters except underscore (_).
    • Description: Enter the Task Description. Special characters are not allowed in Task Description. Words like Select From or Delete From (identified as potential SQL injection vulnerable strings) should not be entered in the Description.
    • Select Component as “ALMCS_Process_Results_Output_Data_Export”.
    • Leave Batch Service URL blank.
    • Results Table Category: Select one or more table for the displayed list. This is a Mandatory Task parameter. Below is the list of Results Tables:
      • Process Output
      • Forecast Rates
      • Cash Flow Edits
      • Reporting Table
      • Reporting Table Transposed
    • Execution IDs: Select one or more execution IDs from displayed list. You may prefer to select only one Execution ID at a time so that separate files get created for each else one file may have data from multiple executions. This is a Mandatory Task parameter.
    Save the task and execute the batch with Batch ID and MIS Date. For more information, see the Scheduler Service.

    After the batch is completed successfully, navigate to Data Management Tools, select the Data File Administration, and then select File Upload and Download. Download the exported file from object store.

    Figure 4-32 ALMCS Output Export

    ALMCS Output Export

    If you want to execute more than 10000 records, then part files are created with a suffix number such as _1, _2 and so on and will be added to Name of these files.

    The File Name Column shows the name of file with Part number. The Prefix is displayed as a combination of As of Date, Process ID and Run execution ID.

    Data can be exported from the following list of tables:

    • Process Output
    • Forecast Rates
    • Cash Flow Edits
    • Reporting Table
    • Reporting Table Transposed