Behavior Pattern Rules

The Behavior Pattern (BP) functionality works similarly to amortization types. The Behavior Pattern code is assigned at the detail instrument level, and these designations are evaluated by the cash flow engine (CFE) for calculations. However, Behavior Patterns are portfolio level property rather than instrument level. Generally, a bank processes aggregated data for non-maturing products. In this case, the Behavior Pattern is assigned effectively at the portfolio level. If you are using CFE with any other service, then data is required at the instrument level and BP is also assigned accordingly.

In this case, you must track the changes to Behavior Patterns and assign appropriate codes to affected instruments. Due to this, only one BP can be used by the CFE in the CFE processes for current business. If you want to model multiple types of BP under varying scenarios, then you can use a Behavior Pattern Rule.

The Behavior Pattern Rule UI allows you to group Behavior Pattern codes (behavioral assumptions) together in a set at the Product/Currency level which then can be rotated to select a value on a combination. You can select which behavior assumption pattern to use and the underlying Behavior Pattern in that set will affect the data on processing

Behavior Pattern Rule Summary

This page is the gateway to all Behavior Pattern Rules and related functionality. You can navigate to other pages relating to Behavior Pattern Rules from this point.

Figure 5-87 Behavior Pattern Rule Summary

Behavior Pattern Rule Summary

Search Behavior Pattern Rule

Prerequisites: Predefined Behavior Pattern Rule

To search for a Behavior Pattern Rule:

Click Search after entering the search criteria. The search results are displayed in a table containing all the Behavior Pattern Rules that meet the search criteria.


An alternative method to search a Behavior Pattern rule is through the Field Search option. This is an inline wildcard UI search that allows you to enter a search value (such as code, name, etc.) partially or fully. Rows that contain the string you are searching for are fetched and displayed in the Behavior Pattern rule Summary. You can enter the Code, Name, Description, Dimension, Hierarchy, and Folder of the Behavior Pattern Rule and click Search.

The Behavior Pattern rule Summary displays the following information:

Add: Click the Add icon on the page header to build a new Behavior Pattern rule.

Multiple Delete: Enables you to select and delete one or multiple rules in the table simultaneously.

  • Name: Displays the Behavior Pattern Rule's short name.
  • Dimension: Displays the Dimension the Behavior Pattern Rule belongs to.
  • Hierarchy: Name of Hierarchy that is used to define Behavior Pattern Rule.
  • Folder: Displays the Folder name where the Behavior Pattern Rule is saved.
  • Last Modified By: Displays the Name of the user who last modified the Behavior Pattern Rule.
  • Last Modified Date: Displays the Date and Time when Behavior Pattern Rule was modified last.
  • Access Type: Displays the access type of Rule. It can be Read-Only or Read/Write.
  • Action: Click this icon to view a list of actions that you can perform on the Behavior Pattern rule.
    • View/Edit: Based on the user privilege assigned, you can either only view or edit existing Behavior Pattern rules. To edit a rule, you must have Read/Write privilege.
    • Save As: You can reuse a Behavior Pattern rule by saving it under a new name thus saving time and effort in entering data multiple times; it also leads to reduced data entry errors.
    • Delete: You can delete Behavior Pattern rules that you no longer require. Note that only Behavior Pattern rule owners and those with Read/Write privileges can delete Behavior Pattern rules. A Behavior Pattern rule that has a dependency cannot be deleted. A rule cannot be retrieved after deletion.
    • Dependency Check: You can perform a dependency check to know where a particular Behavior Pattern rule has been used. Before deleting a rule, it is always a good practice to do a dependency check to ensure you are not deleting Behavior Pattern rules that have dependencies. A report of all rules that utilize the selected Behavior Pattern rule is generated.