Adding Data to Table – Forms Created Using Data Entry

If the Forms Definition is created using the designer option, the user with the necessary role can add or delete records and also update the values for the table records as per the configuration in the Forms Definition.

These records are then submitted for approval to another user with the necessary role. For more information, refer to User Role Mapping and Access Rights.
To update/delete data in the table records:
  1. Highlight the record and click the Action.
  2. Click Edit, to update the records.
    The records are classified based on the following Status:
    • Draft – Records that are created but not submitted. In Draft state, you can add new rows or delete/edit an existing row submitted for auto-approval.
    • Ready – Records that are approved. You can only edit the records.
    For adding/deleting records and editing existing draft or Ready records, refer to the following sections: