Dynamic Deterministic Process

This module discusses the procedure for creating and executing a Dynamic Deterministic Process.

Dynamic Deterministic process generates output based on a set of user-defined forecast rate scenarios and includes new business assumption rules in the process flow.

This process allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Determine the source data that you want to process, and the modeling horizon
  • Specify the calculation elements; Valuation, Income Simulation, Interest Rate and Liquidity Gaps
  • Include the market rate forecast and behavioral assumptions
  • Define your output dimensions for aggregation, and/or output raw cashflows
  • Execute the Cash Flow Process and generate results.

Dynamic Deterministic Process Summary

This page is the gateway to all Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules and related functionality. You can navigate to other pages relating to Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules from this point.

Figure 5-223 Dynamic Deterministic Process Summary

Dynamic Deterministic Process Summary

Search Dynamic Deterministic Process

Prerequisites: Predefined Dynamic Deterministic Process

To search for a Dynamic Deterministic Process, follow these steps:

Click Search after entering the search criteria. The search results are displayed in a table containing all the Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules that meet the search criteria.


The other method to search a Dynamic Deterministic Process is using the Field Search option. The Field Search is an inline wildcard UI search that allows you to enter value partially or fully and the rows that match the entered string in any of its column is fetched in the Summary table. Enter the Name, Folder, Description, and Reporting Currency of the Dynamic Deterministic Process and click Search .

The Dynamic Deterministic Process summary table displays the following columns:

  • Name: Displays the Dynamic Deterministic Process's short name.
  • Balance Sheet Source: Displays the instrument table selection for processing of data.
  • Last Run Date: Displays the Date and Time when Dynamic Deterministic Process was run last.
  • Last Run By: Displays the Name of the user who last runs the Dynamic Deterministic Process.
  • Reporting Currency: Displays the currency for consolidated results to be aggregated.
  • Folder: Displays the Folder name where the Dynamic Deterministic Process is saved.
  • Status: Displays the status of the Dynamic Deterministic Process.
  • Access Type: Displays the access type of Rule. It can be Read-Only or Read/Write.
  • Action: Displays the following list of actions that can be performed on the selected Dynamic Deterministic Process.
    • Add: Click Add icon at the top right of the summary page to build a new Dynamic Deterministic Process.
    • Multiple Delete: Select one or more Rules in the table and then click the Multiple Delete icon at the top right of the Summary Page to delete more than one Rule at the same time.
    • View/Edit: You can view existing Dynamic Deterministic Process, and you can edit existing Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules, provided you have read/write privileges. View/Edit to view or edit the contents of a Dynamic Deterministic Process in Read/Write format. Depending on user privileges the Rule will open in either View or Edit mode.
    • Save As: You can copy Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules to avoid having to enter data multiple times. This saves time and effort and reduces mistakes. Click on the Action icon against the Dynamic Deterministic Process Name and select Save As to create a copy of an existing Dynamic Deterministic Process.
    • Delete: You can delete Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules that are no longer required. Click on the Action icon against the Dynamic Deterministic Process Name and select Delete to delete an existing Dynamic Deterministic Process.


      A Dynamic Deterministic Process cannot be retrieved after deletion. Restrictions on deleting Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules are:
      • You cannot delete Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules if you have only Read privileges. Only users with Read/Write privileges and Dynamic Deterministic Process owners can delete Dynamic Deterministic Process Rules.
      • You cannot delete a Dynamic Deterministic Process that has a dependency.
    • Dependency Check: You can check dependencies for rules to know where a particular Dynamic Deterministic Process has been used. This also prevents accidental deletion of rules having dependencies. Click on the Action icon against the Dynamic Deterministic Process Name and select Dependency Check to generate a report on all Rules that utilize your selected Dynamic Deterministic Process.


      This is functionality will be released in future.
    • Run: Select Run to execute an existing Dynamic Deterministic Process. After clicking Run, the Run Parameter Execution window is displayed. Select As of Date (Execution Date) and Legal Entity, and then click Ok. For more information, see Executing Dynamic Deterministic Process section.
    • Execution Details: Select Execution Details to view execution details of the Dynamic Deterministic Process.