Financial Results MDBSS (Delta Report)

Delta report displays the comparison between Scenarios based on defined filters. Scenario 1 is used as the base Scenario for comparison. The Delta report shows for Base Currency and Reporting Currency. This report shows data for Financial Elements: Beginning Balance, Ending Balance, Average Balance, Total Runoff- Positive, and Interest Accrued. This shows the MDBSS hierarchies by as of date, Consolidation Flag, Currency code, Bucket Name. These Reports can be drilled down or rolled up for the user convenience. These reports display the actual values as 0 and variation in %. Actual values will display as 0.00000% (5 decimal places). Percentage Calculation = variance / Actual value of scenario 1.

Figure 7-202 Financial Results MDBSS Filters

Financial Results MDBSS Filters

The list box filters are provided which the User can leverage to filter the Financial Results report based on selected values.

  • Process Name: The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired Process Name utilized by the Financial Results Output processes.
  • Execution Identifier: The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired Execution Identifier utilized by the Financial Results Output processes. This filter is dependent on the values selected in the Process Name filter.
  • Scenario Name: The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired Scenario utilized by the Financial Results Output processes. This filter is dependent on the values selected in the Process Name, Execution Identifier filter.
  • Result Type: The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired Result Type by the Financial Results Output processes.
  • Hierarchy Name: The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired Hierarchy Name utilized by the Financial Results Output processes. This filter is dependent on the values selected in the Process Name, Execution Identifier filter, Result Type.

Figure 7-203 Financial Results MDBSS (Delta) Report

Financial Results MDBSS (Delta) Report