Forecast Balance Rules

This module discusses about the modeling of new business activities through the Forecast Balance rules. These rules are included in assumption setup and processing.

Within a Forecast Balance rule, you specify the amount of new activity generated per modeling bucket on each MDBSS node within each active currency. To create a new business assumption, you can select the available forecasting methods. You can further tailor the new business assumptions to meet your expectations of future originations, including the effect of interest rates on new business amounts.


All forecast rules and dynamic processing in ALMCS use the Multi Dimensional Balance Sheet Structure (MDBSS) instead of a single dimension hierarchy, like Product. Forecast rules that are intended to be processed together must all share a common MDBSS.

For more information on the MDBSS, see Multi Dimensional Balance Sheet Structure

Forecast Balance Rule Summary

This page is the gateway to all Forecast Balance Rules and related functionality. You can navigate to other pages relating to Forecast Balance Rules from this point.

Figure 5-157 Forecast Balance Summary Page

Forecast Balance Summary Page

Search Forecast Balance Rule

Prerequisites: Predefined Forecast Balance Rule

To search for a Forecast Balance Rule, follow these steps:

Click Search after entering the search criteria. The search results are displayed in a table containing all the Forecast Balance Rules that meet the search criteria.


The other method to search a Forecast Balance Rule is using the Field Search option. The Field Search is an inline wildcard UI search that allows you to enter value partially or fully and the rows that match the entered string in any of its column is fetched in the Summary table. Enter the Code, Name, Description, MDBSS Hierarchy, and Folder of the Forecast Balance Rule and click Search .

The Forecast Balance Rule summary table displays the following columns:

  • Name: Displays the Forecast Balance Rule's short name.
  • MDBSS Hierarchy: Name of MDBSS Hierarchy that is used to define Forecast Balance Rule.
  • Folder: Displays the Folder name where the Forecast Balance Rule is saved.
  • Last Modified By: Displays the Name of the user who last modified the Forecast Balance Rule.
  • Last Modified Date: Displays the Date and Time when Forecast Balance Rule was modified last.
  • Access Type: Displays the access type of Rule. It can be Read-Only or Read/Write.
  • Action: Displays the following list of actions that can be performed on the selected Forecast Balance Rule.
    • Add: Click Add icon at the top right of the summary page to build a new Forecast Balance Rule.
    • Multiple Delete: Select one or more Rules in the table and then click the Multiple Delete icon at the top right of the Summary Page to delete more than one Rule at the same time.
    • View/Edit: You can view existing Forecast Balance Rule, and you can edit existing Forecast Balance Rules, provided you have read/write privileges. View/Edit to view or edit the contents of a Forecast Balance Rule in Read/Write format. Depending on user privileges the Rule will open in either View or Edit mode.
    • Save As: You can copy Forecast Balance Rules to avoid having to enter data multiple times. This saves time and effort and reduces mistakes. Click on the Action icon against the Forecast Balance Rule Name and select Save As to create a copy of an existing Forecast Balance Rule.
    • Delete: You can delete Forecast Balance Rules that are no longer required. Click on the Action icon against the Forecast Balance Rule Name and select Delete to delete an existing Forecast Balance Rule.


      A Forecast Balance Rule cannot be retrieved after deletion. Restrictions on deleting Forecast Balance Rules are:
      • You cannot delete Forecast Balance Rules if you have only Read privileges. Only users with Read/Write privileges and Forecast Balance Rule owners can delete Forecast Balance Rules.
      • You cannot delete a Forecast Balance Rule that has a dependency.
    • Dependency Check: You can check dependencies for rules to know where a particular Forecast Balance Rule has been used. This also prevents accidental deletion of rules having dependencies. Click on the Action icon against the Forecast Balance Rule Name and select Dependency Check to generate a report on all Rules that utilize your selected Forecast Balance Rule.


      This is functionality will be released in future.