In canvas Variable Prompts

  • Select Runoff measurement: This is the variable prompt to select the desired Runoff measurement to be applied to the “Financial Risk Runoff” Report canvas charts.

    The following elements are available for selection:

    • "Accrued Interest (Without Offset)","Accrued Interest Net (Without Offset)","Accumulated Devolvement Amount","Accumulated Interest CF Gross","Accumulated Interest CF Net","Accumulated Translation Amount","Deferred Runoff","Devolvement Runoff","Inflation Adjustment to Interest","Inflation Adjustment to Principal","Interest Accrued","Interest Accrued Gross","Interest Cash Flow","Interest Cash Flow (Without Offset)","Interest Cash Flow Gross","Interest Credited","Interest Gross (Without Offset)","Life Cap Balance","Life Cap Effect - Amount","Market Value","Maturity Runoff - Negative","Maturity Runoff - Positive","MOA Prepay Runoff","Neg-Am Balance","Non Interest Expenses","Non Interest Income","Non Maturity - Core Runoff","Non Maturity - Volatile Runoff","Non Performing Asset Runoff","Option Exercise Gain/ Loss","Option Exercise Market Value","Payment Runoff - Negative","Payment Runoff - Positive","Period Cap Balance","Period Cap Effect - Amount","Prepay Runoff - Negative","Prepay Runoff - Positive","Present Value of Interest Cash Flows","Present Value of Principal Cash Flows","Realized Currency Gain/ Loss (Principal)","Realized Currency Gain/Loss (Interest - Gross)","Realized Currency Gain/Loss (Interest - Net)","Recovery Runoff","Tease Balance","Tease Effect - Amount","Total Call Runoff Amount","Total Currency Gain/ Loss (Principal)","Total Put Runoff Amount","Total Runoff - Negative","Total Runoff - Positive","Writeoff Negative","Writeoff Positive".
  • Select Rate & Term measurement: This is the variable prompt to select the desired Rate measurement to be applied to the “Financial Risk Rates & Term” report canvas charts.

    The following elements are available for selection:

    • "After Repricing Gross Rate","After Repricing Net Rate","Average Gross Rate","Average Net Rate","Before Repricing Gross Rate","Before Repricing Net Rate","Beginning Gross Rate","Beginning Net Rate","Discount Rate IS","Dollar Duration","Ending Gross Rate","Ending Net Rate","Fully Indexed Gross Rate","Fully Indexed Net Rate","Life Cap Effect - Rate","Modified Duration","Option Exercise Rate","Period Cap Effect - Rate","Prepay Runoff Gross Rate","Prepay Runoff Net Rate","Strike Rate - Rate Based Approach","Tease Effect - Rate","Timing of Call Runoff","Timing of Devolvement Runoff","Timing of Maturity Runoff - Negative","Timing of Maturity Runoff - Positive","Timing of MOA Prepay Runoff","Timing of Non Maturity - Core Runoff","Timing of Non Maturity - Volatile Runoff","Timing of Non Performing Asset Runoff","Timing of Payment Runoff - Negative","Timing of Payment Runoff - Positive","Timing of Prepay Runoff - Negative","Timing of Prepay Runoff - Positive","Timing of Put Runoff","Timing of Recovery Runoff","Timing of Total Runoff - Negative","Timing of Total Runoff - Positive","Timing of Writeoff Negative","Timing of Writeoff Positive","Total Runoff Gross Rate","Total Runoff Net Rate","WARM".