Historical Exchange Rate

This report compares the Historical Exchange Rate and Forecast Economic Indicators across time buckets.

You can use a series of Report Prompts, as previously described, to filter the data according to key attributes pertaining to the underlying Economic Indicator Output results.

The report displays the underlying data according to the following Chart’ logic:

  • Select From Currency

    The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired From Currency utilized by the Historical Exchange Rate Output processes. This is a Single select filter, without any selection the reports will not fetch any meaningful results.

  • Select From Currency Name

    The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired From Currency Name utilized by the Historical Exchange Rate Output processes. This is a Single select filter, without any selection the reports will not fetch any meaningful results.

  • Select To Currency

    The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired To Currency utilized by the Historical Exchange Rate Output processes. This is a Single select filter, without any selection the reports will not fetch any meaningful results.

  • Select To Currency Name

    The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired To Currency Name utilized by the Historical Exchange Rate Output processes. This is a Single select filter, without any selection the reports will not fetch any meaningful results.

  • Select From Date

    The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired From Date utilized by the Historical Exchange Rate Output processes. This filter is dependent on the values selected in the Process Name filter. This is a Single select filter, without any selection the reports will not fetch any meaningful results.

  • Select Description

    The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired Description utilized by the Historical Exchange Rate Output processes. This filter is dependent on the values selected in the Process Name, Execution Run Identifier filter. This is a Single select filter, without any selection the reports will not fetch any meaningful results.

  • Select Conversion Type

    The List box filter provides you with a selection capability on the desired Conversion Type utilized by the Historical Exchange Rate Output processes. This filter is dependent on the values selected in the Process Name, Execution Run Identifier, and Scenario filter. This is a Single select filter, without any selection the reports will not fetch any meaningful results.

Figure 7-235 Historical Exchange Rate

Historical Exchange Rate