5.2.7 Ledger Load History

Ledger Load History allows you to review the Runtime History of a Management ledger Load. You may see the order in which Ledger Loads are executed, and you may select any Ledger Load row and Undo the Ledger Load.

The screen presents a table that lists the Ledger Loads sorted by As-of-Date and by Load End Time. You may sort on any column you choose by clicking on the column header upward/downward arrows, but the results are sorted first by As-of-Date and second by the Column, you have chosen.

Navigation in Ledger Load History

When you first enter the Ledger Load History screen, your results are shown for all As-of-Date values for which a ledger load was executed, with the Executed As-of-Dates displaying value “All As of Dates”. You may select a different As-of-Date from a drop-down list as required.

With the ‘All As of Dates’ selected, the Ledger Load History Table will display the load names sorted in descending order based on the As of Date and the Load End Time.

Figure 5-56 Ledger Load History Screen

The Ledger Load History Table will display the load names sorted in descending order based on the As of Date and the Load End Time.

The title bar of the Screen displays several actions for the user. They are:

  • Refresh: Click Refresh to refresh the Ledger Load History Page.
  • Help: Click Help to view the Ledger Load History Help Page.

The Ledger Load History screen can be divided under three sections – the Search section, the Inline section and the Table section.