6.1.7 Scheduler Service Dashboard

View the task executions based on the execution status in the Scheduler Service Dashboard.

You can access the following details related to batch/batch group execution from the Dashboard:
  • The batches/batch groups are categorized based on their execution status - Executed Runs, Successful Runs, Failed Runs, Ongoing Runs, Interrupted Runs, and Upcoming Runs tabs. Click the respective tab to view the details of the batches/batch groups based on their execution status. For example, click Ongoing Runs to view the details of the batches that are currently running.
  • The run time, schedule name and the MISDATE associated with each batch/batch group.
  • The batch execution summary for all the batches executed in the last 7, 30 and 120 days. The summary is displayed in the form of a color-coded bar graph with legend for the various execution statuses.
  • To view the list of all task executions associated with a specific batch/batch group, select the required execution status tab, select Batch/Batch Group and select the required batch/batch group.
  • To view the task executions within a specific date range, select the required execution status tab, select Batch/Batch Group and select the required batch/batch group. Specify both the start and end dates.