4.3.1 Balances

BSP Forecast Analysis Page is the gateway to all BSP OOB Reports and related functionality of the Project. From this Page, you can navigate to other related Pages. The following content is related to the “Balances” Report Canvas.

On the header of the BSP Forecast Analysis Page, you can perform a filter option to streamline data as per your operational focus.

BSP Balances focus to provide information on current Positions and New Businesses using Ending Balance and Average Balances. Additionally, optional report drivers can be leveraged to further focus on Balance Sheet Forecasting “Balances” classified by Assets & Liabilities.

Figure 4-3 BSP Forecast Analysis - Balances

This is the BSP Forecast Analysis screen. BSP Balances focus to provide information on current Position and New business using Ending Balance and Average Balances.